George (because I can't name chapters :)

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Oh my gosh I have this written in a notebook and one of the 'notes' in the margarins is "Call me Dream, cutie." XD that's wonderful and obviously from the first chapter. 

George and Dream had the same last class together, so of course Dream caught George afterwards. "Hey, George! So, before you say no, me and the boys have a tradition you'd have some fun in." 

"What illegal action are you about to undertake in?" George asked. 

"Okay, thesaurus." Dream said with a laugh. "Shirts and Skins????" Spelled thesaurus right let's go!!!!

"Uh, I'm kinda crap at basketball. I'm short, remember?" George admitted. 

"Oh, that's okay. We all are, trust me. Well, except Techno, but he's a try-hard. Anyways, we all think football is better. You should see us on the field." 

"Who's Techno?" George asked. 

"Wilbur's brother. He's a twelfth grader, and he is a try hard. Wilbur will also be playing." Dream replied. 

"Okay fine, just let me text my mom and let her know I'll be home late." George sighed, pulling out his phone. 


Hey, some of my friends want to play basketball w/ me now after school is that okay???

Mom; Of course! So happy you're making friends! You'll need to walk home afterwards though because I can't pick you up until late. Have fun and text me when you're home! 

"Alright, I can do it." George said, turning off his phone and looking at Dream. 

Dream grinned. "Really? Come on!" 

He grabbed George's hoodie again, something George was- sadly- getting used to. He and Dream ran into the gym, a big basketball court with some bleachers. Karl, Quackity, Sapnap, Wilbur, Techno, Bad, and Skeppy were already waiting. Along with someone else George remembered from a few of his classes, but didn't know his name. 

"Jason." Dream hissed. 

The new guy, Jason, grinned. "Who's this little guy? Your brother? What's your name, little guy?" 

George immediately made it his personal mission to destroy this guy. "I'm George." was all he said. 

"My classmate." Dream added. 

"What, so dumb you got held back a grade?" Jason asked, smirking. "Isn't he a little small for a ninth grader?" 

Dream looked actually ticked off. "Whatever guys." Techno interjected, interrupting Dream before he could attack Jason. "Can we start already? Dream, you're the leader of shirts. Jason, skins. Pick teams." 

George already hated this. He definitely wasn't going to help his team. Even looking around he could tell he was the smallest. George already knew he was going to get picked last. 

"Dream, heads or tails?" Techno asked, pulling out a coin. 



"Jason gets first pick." Techno muttered, rolling his eyes. He seemed kind of bored with everything. 

"Alright, sick. Technoblade, obviously." Jason chose. Techno sighed, whipping his shirt off and revealing his muscular scarred chest. Jason followed. 



George was shocked. He stepped towards Dream. Then, Jason laughed. "Well, this should be interesting. Quackity." 

Promise You'll Never Let Go? Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now