Dweamie gonna be a bitch

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Same TW's as last time I hope you know I'm not sorry about the cliffhanger. Also TW homophobia again. 

I could just leave you for a month again....... 


Dream froze, his eyes blinking. Panic rose in his chest. 

He'd been thinking the same thing. 

For the last month. 


George is a boy. 

And Dream's parents will kill him if they found out. 

They wanted perfection. A good eldest with straight A's and was captain of the football team and was class president to take over the business some day and have perfect kids who'll take over the business.

They would kill him if they knew he was gay.  

The only person in his family who knew was his little sister Drista. She was an eighth grader and she'd actually come out to Clay a few months ago that she thought she liked girls. But she only told Clay. To make her feel better, Dream had told her that he was gay. He wanted to make sure she knew it was normal. 

His parents were so going to kill him. 

Why couldn't he just say it back? He felt the same, he'd been dating George for months now! (It's like April in the fanfic) Why couldn't he just say he loved George?!

 And he did, he loved George. He loved everything about him, his brown hair, glasses that always hid his perfect eyes. His perfect grades and how nervous he got about talking in front of people. That one time he almost panicked because he had to give a presentation and Dream had sat in the back with Sapnap cheering George on and making him laugh. 

And don't get Dream started on George's smile. 

And the laugh, the one George hates but Dream loved, even if other people made fun of George. 

When George would come to Dream and tell him something crazy or weird or mildly bullying that Dream would never allow to happen if he was there, but George assured him it was fine and he knew they were joking. 

Dream realized he'd been waiting for too long and hesitating and he should probably say something but his brain was spinning so much and he wasn't sure what to say because he didn't want to lose George but he also didn't want to lose his parents love because they were never around and maybe if Dream was perfect enough his parents would finally love him. 

But he wanted George to love him as well. 

What the hell does he do? 


George was waiting for an answer. 

If Dream wasn't able to say he loved George that was okay. If he didn't love George, that was okay. He just needed to say something. 

Why isn't he saying anything?

"You don't feel the same, do you?" George asked. 

"No!" Dream exclaimed. "Nonono! George! I just.... I don't know..." 

Maybe it wasn't okay that George loved someone who didn't love him back. 

"No." George said, standing up. "It's okay if you don't feel the same. I understand."

He didn't. He didn't understand at all. Why was it everyone he loved hated him? Was he just unlovable? Was it just....... him? 

"Wait!" Dream cried. "Just..... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I don't know....." 

"It's okay." George said, trying not to let the tears fall. He failed, and wiped them away. 

"George..." Dream tried, standing. 

"I just want to be alone!" George cried, running down the stairs. 

"George wait!" Dream cried. 

Maybe it was just desperation, but even though Dream was following him, and he was fast, George was able to stay ahead of him. 

Five minutes later, George got a text from Dream. 



Alright, "Gogy" here's the truth. 

You're such an idiot. I hope you know that? I can't believe how easy it was to get you to fall for me. You were wrapped around my finger since the first moment, and for what? This so-called "perfect" boy I was portraying? Well aren't your standards high. Let's get this clear right now, you were nothing but a challenge from Sapnap. He dared me on the last day of summer to find someone who would never fall for me and date them. I decided to take him on. You were the one I picked, since you would be so obviously easy and were so obviously gay. You were nothing but a challenge, a dare, since we first met. I looked at you, and I just had to try my luck. But now, it's gone too far. I've spent way too much fucking time, time I could have spent on someone who actually matters. So I'm done playing nice, George. You and I are over. Why don't you do us all a favor and die.

George gasped. "W-What?" he stuttered. 

Dream's words mixed with Ethan's. 

So stupid, useless. 

You're so easy. 

You're so stupid, so useless, so pathetic. 

So clingy and needy. 

You deserve everything I'm doing to you, George. You know that. 

You can't tell anyone. Who would believe pathetic you over perfect me?

And the one Ethan had told him a thousand times. 

You should just die. 

George left the school that night with one thought in his mind. They're right. 

I do deserve to die. 

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