Snapmap (Because why not)

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I refuse to write any details about Dream and Jessica kissing so this is in Sapnap's pov. 

It took Sapnap a solid five minutes to realize he didn't know where Dream was. 

He'd texted him immediately. 

Dude, you fucked up. Call me, asap. I need explanations. 

Where the hell are you?

If you know what you did this isn't funny. 

No response. 

So Sapnap called Dream.

One ring.

Two rings. 

Three rings. 

Then Dream picked up. "Hey, Sap. What's up?"  His cheer sounded a little forced. 

"You're a fucking idiot, you know that?" Sapnap snapped. "What the hell is wrong with you?" 

Silence. Sapnap thought he heard a door shut. Then Dream said, "What are you talking about?" 

"Don't do this shit with me, Dream. I know you were fucking making out with Jessica." Sapnap was pissed. "You broke Gogy's heart."

Dream went silent again. "Y-you... he didn't. No, please tell me he-"

"Yeah Dream, he did. He saw you and Jessica fucking making out. Why would you do that to him?!" 

"Where are you?" Dream asked. He sounded... defeated. 

Sapnap looked around. "Math hall." he answered. 

"Alright, stay there." 

"Dream," Sapnap said firmly. "You cannot run from this."  They both knew Dream had trouble dealing with emotions.

Dream sighed. "I wouldn't if I could." he promised. 

Minutes later, Dream was there. His eyes were red, like he'd been crying, and he was panting like he'd run as fast as possible. "I'm sorry." he gasped. "Where's George? I need to talk to him. I need to explain that I'm sorry!"

"Karl's with him." Sapnap replied. "Dream, what happened? Karl told me Friday you were all over George, he obviously likes you. Now you're kissing Jessica? You said it yourself, you don't like her. You called her a gold digger. Now you're-"

"I don't like her, I swear!" Dream cried. "I just.... I'm not allowed to like who I like. I can't." 

A lightbulb went off in Sapnap's head. "So it is true..." he mumbled. 

Dream hung his head. 

"You like George." Sapnap murmured. "But you can't, because...... your parents?" 

Dream nodded. 

"But you like George, so why does it matter?" 

"Because I'm supposed to be perfect!" Dream cried. "That's what my parents expect! They're so homophobic, Sap. Loving anything less than female would be anarchy in that house! You know that!"

Sapnap did. He'd been the brunt of many of Dream's meltdowns, but Dream still refused to talk to anyone. 

"You know," Dream added. "When I was kissing Jessica, I wasn't thinking about kissing Jessica, I was thinking about kissing George." he admitted. 

Sapnap gave a knowing look to Dream. "The question is, what do you care about more, Dream? George, or this air of perfection your parents tell you you have to have."

"You have to choose, Dream." 

If I said this before I can't find it. If my character who's pov I'm in is mad I'll call them by their real name. You'll see what I mean in the next chapter, but for those of you who are new here, Clay is Dream. 

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