Q&A Answers!!!

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Holy shit there were so many answers to my Q&A chapter!!!

I think I got them all but if I forgot yours please leave it in the comments and I will reply and answer!!!

Also, I'm not writing in bold. Anything underlined is my editors stupid comments.
You know you love them.

Also, these aren't in any particular order, just whoevers comment I stuck in my notes app first.

Here's the format;



Happy reading!!!


Do you have only one sibling? If not is Avacado (my editor and big bro, most fondly named) your favorite?
Editor; You keep spelling avocado wrong Storm. And I'm definitely the favorite.

Okay so genuinely it's super hard for me to pick a favorite sibling (I have a lot cause blended families). Main reason why it's so hard is because one of my siblings are severely disabled, and I love her. But... I guess it might be avocado, because he reads my shit.

What is the strangest thing you've ever said to a stranger?
We have a list.

...Well, I made a new friend over the realization you're supposed to wash rice...One time I was reading a vampire ff and sent to my friend "One question, who got to drink his blood?" "Mouth like knife" was sent to my friend. I'm not sure about a stranger though...

Oh wait no! So... I'm really bad at remembering faces, so one time I walked up to this guy who I thought was my friend, and he had food and I'd waved at him a couple times in the hallway so I'm like "mm yes I know this guy". So anyways he had food and I asked him for some thinking he was my friend and he gave it to me! So then later we're in line to get into maths class (Like hours later) and he's behind me and I go ...Wait a second "I don't know you, do I?" and he's like "No." Like BRUH! WHY WOULD YOU GIVE ME FOOD THEN!?

We've talked, he's one of my friends now. I still steal his food.

What's your favorite song from Hamilton?

Shut up bubblegum bitch. Obedient servant (there is a killer Wilbur and Quackity animatic of that song), room where it happens- Wait no! Schyler sisters!

What zodiac sign are you?

Sagittarius, same as Awesamdude.

How are you?
How are ya?

I am great (she's a liar) Shut up. You had a panic attack during maths. No one asked you. Literally they just asked. No, they asked me. So I don't get to talk? No. You don't. Fine, I'll just edit your shitty writing /j AY!

Do you like the cult?

I love that you guys are just talking in my comments so... I guess?

Would you like to join it?
What is wrong with you people???

Sure! I'm in band, which makes me automatically in a cult, so sure!

Will you write any father/mother x readers/oc?

...Maybe.... Probably. I think I want to make an Addison part two, like when she's older and stuff. I probably won't make another oc, but besides that... I don't think so.

How did you come up for the idea for this story? (Addison)
Y'all are going to laugh...

SHUT UP! I... Yeah okay you're going to laugh. I have my oc, and I basically pretend I'm in whatever hyperfixation world in order to get shit done. So I then got this weird idea of what if Wilbur's like the oc's dad but I didn't want to use my oc and I came up with Addison.

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