I'll make it worse

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George sighed. "Dream. Please don't." 

"I can't just sit here!" Dream cried. "I can't just let him hurt you all over again! He needs to know this is unacceptable!" 

"You've already tried." George whispered. 

Dream sighed. "I know." he said. 

"And it didn't help." 

"I know." 

"I don't know what you can do." 

"I know." 

George gave him a small smile. "Do you?" he asked. 

"No." Dream rubbed his face. "I have no idea what I can do. I just want to help." 

And he did, so badly. He wanted to keep George from feeling this way, from other people making him feel this way. Gogy deserved it! He was wonderful! Why were other people making him feel any different when they had what Dream saw as a literal god standing in front of them. Why they didn't bow at George's feet every time he said something enraged Dream. 

"I just want to beat something." he told George. 

"I know." he murmured. "But you've tried that before." 

"I'll do it better. I'll put him in the hospital this time." 

"Please don't." 

Dream sighed again. "Are you going to be okay?" he asked. 

George nodded. "I am. It was just.... a lot." 

"Yeah." Dream rolled his eyes. "We're in fucking high school! We shouldn't have to deal with this shit!" 

George opened the car door. "Ready?" he asked. 

"Whenever you are, Gogy." 



GUYS GEORGE ISN'T IN HIS CLASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Shit. What the hell did they do? 
I'll find him. 


I found him. Lo and behold Jason told him some shit, and he ran out of class. I found him though, so it's fine. He's going to third now. 


Oh thank the gods (Techno's gotten me saying it) Okay. Is he good? 


He said he was. We're just hanging out in third now. 
I told him I think he should get some therapy. 


yea i agree


Probably for the best if these honkers keep messing with him. 


I'm just so ticked right now. He doesn't deserve this. 


Added @Technoblade 
Techno, Jason's messing with George again, got any ideas? 


Blood for the blood god. 


Didn't we try that? It didn't teach them shit. 

Promise You'll Never Let Go? Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now