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The following Monday, Dream was really clingy.

George wasn't sure if he was just happy, or if he was ready to show off to the world that he and George were together or what, but Dream was constantly touching George, or right next to him. 

George didn't hate it, though, so what was the harm?

That didn't stop Sapnap from smirking every time Dream and George were together. He wouldn't stop making fun of the two boys. Karl didn't seem to care, just eagerly grinning, and Quackity was always making  fun of them so............ 

That afternoon, after school, George got a text from Dream.


Hey, cutie. Need a ride?

George smiled at the cutie comment. 


Sure, if you don't care. 


Where to?


Well i was assuming my house but i dont have a lot of hw if you want to do something idk


Anyone ever tell you you don't plan well?


Anyone ever tell u u text proper?




Who the fuck uses emoticons anymore boomer


Where do you want to meet, cutie?


Anyone with no context would find that comment extremely creepy

Anywhere where you at?


My locker, you? 


My locker. Ill find u just stay there


Copy that, cutie. 


Smiley face out of spite, bitch.

George laughed. 

"Awww, what's so funny?" a boy asked. 

George shut his locker. Jason was on the other side. 

George rolled his eyes. 

"Well, that's not very nice. Aren't you supposed to be the nice one in the relationship?" 

"Wait, what?" George asked. 

"Well, your little thing with Clay. The whole school's been buzzing about it. Aren't you two together or something?" Jason smirked. "I mean, talk about obvious. Clay's been all over you lately." 

"Fuck off, Jason." 

The two boys with Jason stepped closer to George. "What was that?" Jason asked. "Would you like to repeat that?"

George rolled his eyes again. "Fuck off, Jason. Don't make me say it again." 

One of the guys with Jason tried to grab George, but he stepped away. "Call your goons off." George commanded. 

Promise You'll Never Let Go? Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now