Karl uwu

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Yes it is 2022 and I added uwu to a title sue me. 

I got sick of fluff quickly. BACK TO ANGST. 

Tw; Mild homophobia I think? I'm not entirely sure...........

Just some mild panic just now over not realizing that Karl uwu was on my computer for everyone to see because I didn't scroll down. 

Also let me know if I screw anything up in this story because I got very confused very quickly. 

Can we just appreciate this bean of a song? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Np_YDbq9iBs&list=RD6dtdYVHqK4Q&index=2

George awoke at two a.m. to his phone buzzing. 

Barely awake, George read the contact. Karlllllllllll. Pressing talk, George held the phone up to his ear.

"Karl, it is two a.m. If you are drunk and you need me to drive you home I am leaving your ass in the cold." 

"Can I come over?" Karl asked. He sounded sad. 

"What? Why? I mean, of course, but what's up?" George asked, snapping awake with immediate concern.

"I just had a fight with my parents. In need a place to crash, just for tonight. I can't do this right now." 

"Okay, yeah." George agreed. "You can crash here." What about Quackity? Or Sapnap? The three had recently started dating after the party where Karl kissed them both. 

Karl sighed. "Thanks man. I wouldn't have woken you up, but I needed a third party, not Sapnap or Quackity." 

George smiled. "You're lucky I platonically love you. And that it's Friday and I have the entire weekend to sleep." 

Karl sighed again. "I know. Thanks again. I need this." 

George nodded. "I'll have the Monsters ready." he promised. 

"Thank youuuuuu." Karl hung up. 

George sighed. Time to be a good friend, right?

He snuck downstairs as to not wake anyone else up in the house, and grabbed two Whiteclaws, since they didn't actually have Monsters. Then he waited for Karl to show up. 

Five minutes later, after George had also dipped into his candy stash- it was an emergency- Karl was there. 

George opened the door. Karl's eyes were red and he definitely had been crying. George led Karl up to his room and shut the door quietly, motioning for Karl to get comfy. Karl sat on George's bed with a whiteclaw. 

"So....." George trailed off. "What....Happened?" 

Karl started crying again. "They want me to pick!" he sobbed. 

"What?" George asked. 

"My parents!" Karl cried, like that explained anything. "They're fine if I'm gay, If I like boys, they don't even care if I'm trans! But the second I'm in a relationship with two people my parents aren't accepting!" 

Karl let out another sob and George waited for his brain to process. "Do you mean..... Your parents want you to pick...." 

"Between Quackity or Sapnap." Karl finished. "Yeah." 

"Wow." George murmured. 


"And you're...... What are you going to do?" 

"I don't know!" Karl cried. "I can't choose! I mean, Quackity's my best friend, I've known him for years! But Sapnap is..... Sapnap! I love Sapnap! I love Quackity! This polyamorous relationship was working! It is! I don't understand why they have a problem with it!" 

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