I refuse to be sorry.

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Same TWs as last time. 

Also, check out this good Techno song I'm listening to called Red Masterpiece by Kroh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrpZuprF9p8

George was tired. Not in a physical sense, well he hadn't been getting much sleep anyways. In an emotional, drained, done-with-this-shit kind of way. He was so tired of everything. 

That's why he stood there on a cliff, considering...... everything. Maybe his dad would come back if George was dead. It wasn't like Clay needed him anymore, or his sister, and his mom would move on, Kate would make sure. 

It was actually quite an enjoyable place to die. The ocean was below him, a churning beautiful sea, and the wind was roaring in his ears, almost making it imposible to hear the thoughts. 

He said almost. 

The trees were really pretty. He and Ethan would have loved to climb them, once upon a time. 

He felt bad for leaving. Even if Dream, Sapnap, Quackity, Karl, Bad, and Skeppy meant nothing now, he'd miss them. He was even starting to make other friends, like Wilbur. His mom.... even his sister, rude as she'd been. 

But George was done, done with everything. He was sick of living, sick of being, sick of feeling. George was done. 

His phone buzzed in his pocket. Oh yeah, his phone. George had meant to leave it in the car with an explanation on why he did what he's about to do. 

His phone buzzed again, then a third time. Was someone calling him? 

George pulled his phone out. Dweamie the contact read. 

George sighed and answered. Part of him was wondering why Dream was calling him, part of him was still pissed off and wanted to lose his shit on his former boyfriend. 

And if he was honest with himself, part of George wanted to hear his boyfriend's voice, one last time. Even if that made him clingy. 

George pressed talk. "George? Where are you?" Dream demanded frantically. 

"Why do you care?" George demanded, not wanting to answer. Not wanting to admit what the hell was going on with himself. 

Because thoughts became so much worse when vocalized. 

"Gogy, please please please don't do this shit with me. Please tell me where you are. I don't want to play games with you. I just want to make sure you're safe." 

"Stop!" George cried. He burst into tears. "Is this just another one of your games? Like you told me?" 

"What?" Dream asked. "What are you talking about? George, where are you?

Tears poured down George's face. "I-I'm on a cliff. The cliff. Where w-we started dating." 

"WHAT?!" Dream exclaimed. "WHY?!" 

"Stop playing these games with me!" George sobbed. "Stop messing with my head!" 

"George, I'm sorry I didn't say I love you. I do! I swear! I-" 

"NO YOU DON'T" George roared. "You obviously don't. Not after what you said. Just don't come, Clay. Please, I know you. Don't come. Show your true side. You said you'd quit caring about me! You said I should kill myself! Well I'm fulfilling your wishes! Just don't come after me!" 

"What?" Dream demanded. "George, I'm not just going to let you jump! Just talk to me, George. What's happening?" 

"I-I can't." George stuttered. "I'm just done. I'm done with everything Clay. You were right. I can't do this anymore." 

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