The Babylon Rogues

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Sonics pov

I looked up in surprise. That voice. I recognise it all to well...

Jet the hawk.

The short goggled boy tapped his fingers inpatiently "god what dose it take to get some good service around here?"

"tell me about it" wave sighed "I have repairs to see to. I don't have time for this!"

"hey why don't we just steal some sandwiches when they're not looking" storm asked.

"hey that's a great idea!" jet grinned "ok gang let's get to it!"

Oh not good. I better put a stop to it!

"hey guys" the boy spun around in shock.

"oh it just you guys" he quickly gained his composure "man your just everywhere aren't you hedgehog"

"Well I'm always around where trouble lurks so I guess I attract to you like a magnate" I winked at him.

"tch figures" the boy sighed before turning away with a pout. I gotta admit his childish antics are pretty cute.

"so you here on your own or are the others also here to ruin our fun?" wave asked.

"I'm here with my friends" I gestured to the table we were sitting at.

Storm smirked and made his way over to the table "hey cutie-pie. Didn't expect to find you here"

"my names Amy. Get it right!" she said firmly.

"ohho I love a feisty woman" he chuckled.

"leave me alone you creep!" I could tell that Amy was getting more and more uncomfortable. I couldn't help but feel bad for the poor girl.

"hey he's no creep!" wave chimed in "he may not be your type princess but that doesn't give you the right to insult him just for trying"

Amy looked back and forth at them, tears brimming in her eyes. It was clear that she was feeling overwhelmed. I wanted to help her but I had no idea how.

I looked over at jet who looked pretty annoyed himself. Whether it was from his teams antics or his late lunch order I couldn't tell.

Suddenly an idea came to mind..

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