Confert From Mama

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Miras pov

I hugged my knees as tears ran down my cheek. I couldn't take it anymore. My life has been nothing but failure after failure. Why can't I just be talented like the rest of my family!

"mira" I looked up to see mamas worried face "honey what's wrong?"

"I can't do anything right mama" I yelled through chocked sobs "I'm so useless!"

"hey says who" mama said as he took a seat next to me.

"me" I sniffled.

"Well if you're the only one saying things like that then it can't be true" he gave me a gentle smile "have more confidence in yourself honey. You're an amazing little girl"

"but I can't run fast like papa or invent things like uncle tails. I can't even ride a stupid bourd!" I bit back fustrated tears.

"oh so that's what this is all about" he gave me a knowing look "honey if you want to learn how to ride I'd be happy to teach you"

"really" I looked up hopefully "you think I could really learn?"

"of course!" he grinned "it's not that hard. All you need is a little practice and you'll be a pro. Plus you've got the best teacher in the world by your side!"

"oh mama!" I takle hugged him and cried into his chest.

"easy now I've got you" he said gently "come on honey. I think it's time we took you home"

I nodded as I took his hand. Maybe I'll be ok now..

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