Feeling Differently About Him

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Jets pov

I held my knees close to my chest as I hugged my pillow. I've never felt like this before. I'm a good leader, a great one even! I usually have full control over any situation...

But these feelings are one thing I can't control!

Why him? Out of everyone why did it have to be him! He's such a idiotic goofball but still my chest flutters whenever he smiles at me. Are my standerds really that low? Ahh I hate this!

"jet are you ok?" wave popped her head in "you've been spending alot of time in your room"

"it's nothing" I muttered into my pillow.

She took a seat next to me "are you having relationship issues?"

"no I'm not!" I glared at her. I hate this. I'm not even in a relationship but I can't tell her that. If I did she'd kill sonic for sure. Argh so frustrating!

"don't be so touchy kid" she chuckled before reaching out to pet my head "if somethings on your mind you can talk to me you know. I was fourteen myself once. Whatever your going through I'll understand"

"I doubt it" I grumbled.

"try me" she smiled.

I sighed "I'm feeling.. really confused and overwhelmed right now. I'm sorry I don't know how to explain it"

"that's ok" she pulled me into a hug "your at a confusing time in your life but you're a smart kid. You'll figure it out"

"thanks wave" I hugged her back. Yeah. I'm sure I'll figure it out...

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