Trying To Escape

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Jets pov

"Ahhh!" I yelped as I was roughly thrown into a prison cell. I looked up to see robotnic grinning at me.

"you're going to stay in here until you're little boyfriend comes" he explained "then you shall watch as I distroy him. Maybe then you will learn to respect me"

"as if!" I folded me arms "you've failed to take over the world in a million different ways. What makes this time any different?"

"why because I have you of course!" he said brightly "that hedgehog won't try anything with you as my hostage. Now enjoy your stay dear boy" he laughed as he shut the door and locked it.

I sighed. As much as I hate to admit it he's right. That idiot would just throw his life away if it meant protecting me. In that case I'll just have to break out!

I waited until I could no longer hear his footsteps and then sprung into action. I grabbed a pin out from my pockets and started picking the lock. The good thing about being a professional theif is that you have always have a trick up your sleeve.

After few trys I finally managed to unlock the door. I opened it and stepped outside. Next stop home sweet home-

My thoughts were cut off when I heard a noise behind me. I turned around to see that robot that looked like sonic.

"crap" I muttered to myself as the robot came charging at me. I dodged out of the way when-


Amy hit the the robot square in the face with her hammer, sending it flying. She turned to me with a worried look on her face.

"are you ok?" she asked as she held her hand out to me.

"yeah" I muttered as I took her hand "not that I don't appreciate the rescue but what are you doing here"

"we're looking for cream's little friend cheese" she explained.

"ah hu a mean old robot took him away" cream said tearfully.

"Well that's terrible" I bent down to her level "don't worry kid. I'll help you find your friend"

"actually we already found him" Amy muttered "we just need to find the keys"

"not a problem" I grinned "I can simply lock pick it"

"you can do that Mr jet" cream gasped in amazement.

"yep" I grinned "that's how I broke myself out of prison" I gestured to the cell I just broke out of.

"why were you being locked up here?" Amy raised a eyebrow.

"the doc figured he could take sonic out if he used me a hostage. Too bad he didn't know about my little friend" I giggled to myself.

"what an awful man. Taking advantage of Mr sonics love" cream said crossly.

"indeed" Amy nodded "anyway team let's get moving. We got a friend to save!"

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