Pretend Dating

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Sonics pov

"ok here we are" I proudly showed off the best place in the world.

Jet simply raised a eyebrow "the chilli dog deluxe?"

"yeah!" I nodded eagerly "it's only the best restaurant in the world. Their chilli dogs are to die for!"

Jet didn't look impressed "sonic if we were actually dating I'd dump you on the spot for taking me to a place like this"

"what!" I yelled "what's wrong with it?"

"I don't like chilli dogs" he said simply "I can't stand spicy food"

I let out a offended gasp "jet I don't think this fake relationship will work out if you don't like chilli dogs"

"what are you going to do, fake break up with me?" jet rolled his eyes.

"maybe I will!" I folded my arms and pouted.

"grr you're such a idiot!" jet grabbed me by the arm "now come on. I've got a better place we can go"

"you're so controlling!" I whined as he dragged me along.

*time skip*

"see. Isn't this much better" jet said as he happily sipped on a milkshake.

"I guess so" I sighed, missing my chilli dog deluxe more and more by the minute.

"good! Then let's get down to business" he put his milkshake down and faced me "how long do you plan on keeping this sarade up?"

I thought about it for a moment "well I guess we can stay together for a month or so before breaking it off. But if wave or storm ask you tell them that you broke up with me. I'd rather not die young!"

"of course I'd be the one to break up with you" jet muttered "You would be the dependent one after all"

"hey am not!" I said, suddenly getting defensive "I could totally break your heart if I wanted to!"

"yeah right you goodie-two-shoes" jet burst out laughing.

My pride felt a little hurt after that but there's no arguing with him. It's been like that since we first met! But it's not all bad...

I least I get to hear him laugh.

Cafe meet up (sonjet) Where stories live. Discover now