Shopping Trip

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Sonics pov

"so are you two done with your couples spat or should we come back later"

We looked up in surprise to see Amy, cream and rouge grinning at us.

"we're not a couple!" jet yelled.

"really? You could have fooled me honey" rouge chuckled.

"like you have the right to be talking lady. Wave told me that you have a thing for knuckles" jet shot back.

"hey knock that off you little brat!" rouge yelled, her face red "I have no such thing!"

"really? You could have fooled me" jet sneered.

"ok so what brings you girls here?" I asked in a attempt to defuse the situation.

"we were going on a shopping trip" cream explained "will you come with us Mr sonic? You can bring your boyfriend if you want"

"he's not my boyfriend!" we yelled in unison.

"oh ok my mistake" cream giggled. I sighed. You know you hit rock bottom when a kids making fun of you!

"sure I'll go. Jet you coming?" I turned to the boy.

"sure why not" he shrugged as he followed us downtown.

*time skip*

"wow you girls sure love your shopping" I muttered as I carried several bags of shopping "do any of your girls want to carry some bags"

"not really" rouge shrugged.

"that's why we brought you along silly" Amy giggled.

"what about you jet? Will you help me?" I asked pleadingly.

"no way. I'm already carrying cream around" he grumbled.

"mm hmm my legs got tired" cream nodded as she wrapped her arms around jets neck.

"Well that's ok" I nodded with a soft smile. He's surprisingly nice when he wants to be.

Amy noticed and strolled up next to me "sonic do you and jet have something going on? You can tell me you know"

I was surprised by her questions but quickly gained my composer "no Amy there's nothing going on between us" I explained.

"really? Cause your looking at him the exact same way I used to look at you" she smiled knowingly.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I looked away, my face turning red. What the heck? Why do I feel so nervous all of a sudden!?

Amy looked at me for a second before sighing "you really don't trust me do you?" she folded her arms and glared at me "hmph fine!" she stomped over to rouge.

I shook my head. That girl and her temper! Still maybe she has a point. Maybe my feeling for jet are different..

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