Gaining Their Respect

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Sonics pov

My eyes snapped open at the sound of a all to fermilier voice. It can't be.. I looked over to see jet standing there with cream and Amy by his side.

Tears filled my eyes as I rushed over and scooped him up in my arms.

"you're ok!" I cried as I held the boy close, never wanting to let go.

"of course I am" he sighed "I can't believe you were going to sacrifice yourself for my sake. You really are an idiot!"

"Well love makes you do crazy things" I said as I rubbed noses with him.

"yeah I guess it dose" he smiled.

"damn you boy. How did you get out of your cage!" Eggman growled.

"lock picking" he proudly held up a hair pin "you did remember I'm a master theif right"

"oh wow you're incredible boss!" storm cheered.

Eggman was less than impressed. In fact I could see a vain popping out from his forehead as he pointed the lazer at us "fine if you think you're so clever then you can die with your lover!"

"not today Eggman!" I threw jet out of harms way, dismantled the lazer and caught the boy before he hit the ground.

Jet glared at me "don't ever do that again"

"hehe sorry" I chuckled. What can I say. He's cute when he's mad!

Amy stood in front of the doctor, hammer in hand "how dare you take advantage of sonics love" she growled "you're going to pay for that!"


*time skip*

After Amy beat the snot out of Eggman we all left and headed to green hill zone for some chill time.

Tails hugged my arm tightly as tears rolled down his cheek "you *hic* really scared me there. I thought *hic* you were going to die!"

Knuckles smacked me over the head "you made the kid cry idiot! I hope you're proud of yourself!"

"sorry sorry" I sighed. Knuckles is really being hard on me. Though I suppose he was just worried about me too.

I looked over to see jet talking with cream.

"you know when you told me that your friend was kidnapped I thought you meant a person. Not a chow" he muttered as he stared at cheese.

"cheese may be a chow but he's still my bestest friend in the world world" cream insisted.

"chow chow!" cheese said as he flew into jets arms.

"ok fair enough" he said as he smiled at the chow in his arms.

"ahem" I looked over to see wave and storm.

"oh hey guys" I muttered nervously. Are they back to hating me now?

Wave sighed "look kid what you did in there was reckless as hell but you were willing to give up your life to protect jet so maybe we judged you too hard"

"dose that mean you upset?" I said hopefully.

"for now yes" she nodded "but if you ever break his heart I'll break you in half and feed you to storm for breakfast" storm nodded in agreement.

"you don't have to worry about that" I laughed nervously. God his familys scary!

I looked over at jet who was smiling with the others. I smiled warmly. I'm so glad he's safe.

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