Dating For Real!

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Sonics pov

"so you two are dating for real now?" tails muttered in disbelief.

"yes siree" I grinned "he actually confessed to me. Isn't that adorable!"

"good thing he did. You would have never had the guts to do it" tails folded his arms.

"hey cut me some slack bud" I sighed.

Tails giggled "well either way I'm very happy for you"

"thanks kid" I ruffled his hair "now I better get going. If I'm late he's going to kill me!" with that I speeded off.

*time skip*

I arrived at the restaurant where we were to have our first date. I spotted jet standing there hugging the bourd to his chest. He spotted me and grinned.

"sonic!" he jumped into my arms happily. He's become alot more cuddly since we started dating. It's honestly the cutest thing!

"hey baby" I smiled lovingly at him "ready to go?"

"yep!" he smiled back before taking my hand and leading me inside.

*time skip*

"I still don't understand why we couldn't go to chilli dog deluxe for our first date" I sighed as we sat opposite each other "it would have been perfect!"

"I told you sonic I can't stand spicy food" jet peaked out from the menu angrily "don't you listen to anything I say"

"of course I do" I said quickly "because you're my boyfriend and you'd beat me up if I didn't"

"as long as you know" he giggled.

I rested my head on my hands "you have a cute laugh"

"really?" he looked up in surprise "Well I think you have you have a nice smile"

"thank you" I chuckled. Even when it comes to compliments he's competitive! "oh look here's the food!"

*time skip*

"hey sonic" jet took my hand as I was leaving "do you want to spend the night at my place? We could have a sleepover"

"yeah that sounds great" I grinned "hold on I better give tails a ring. He'll get worried if I never come back"

"ok" jet smiled as I picked up the phone to ring my best buddy.

A sleepover with Jet. This should definitely be fun!

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