An Angry Husband

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Sonics pov

"gahhh!" I slammed my fists down in anger "I'm going to kill him. I swear to god I'm going to kill him!"

Tails placed a hand on my shoulder "sonic please calm down-"

"calm down? He broke his ankle!" I yelled "he hurt the one I love and he has to pay for that"

"ok but at least let me come with you-"

"no" I quickly cut him off "I'm doing this one alone" I ran off before he could say anything.

*time skip*

I reached his new lair that he had sent me co-ordnance to without hesitation kicked down the door. The doctor was waiting inside for me.

"so glad you could come dear hedgehog but I'm afraid this'll be your last moment on earth"

He clicked his fingers and several lazers appeared. I avoided the lazer beams and dismantled them in a matter of seconds.

I walked up to the doctor and grabbed him by the shirt "where is he?" I growled.

"oh I wonder where he is" the doctor chuckled "maybe I'll let him go if you become my obedient prisoner-"

"I don't have time for your nonsense robotnic!" I yelled in his face "tell me now or I'll kill you and search myself"

That seemed to spook him "o-ok he's in c-cell 13"

I nodded and ran to the prisoners room.

I counted the cells as I ran past them. 11, 12, 13! I busted the door open to find my lover laying in bed unconscious.

I ran up and gently cupped his cheek, checking him over. He looked fine besides his ankle which was bent at an odd angle. I felt that surge of anger again but I had to keep a level head. After all jet still needs my help.

Slowly his eyes fluttered open "sonic?" he muttered with a pained expression.

"hey darling" I muttered softly to the boy "now don't you worry. I'm going to take you back home" I gently scooped him into my arms.

"I-oww appreciate that but maybe you can take me to a hospital first" he muttered as he lay his head against my shoulder.

"oh right" I smiled sheepishly "alright baby let's get you some help!"

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