Auntie Wave And Uncle Storm

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Jets pov

"mmm you're going so fast mama" mira complained as we soared through the sky "I can't see anything!"

"those are what the goggles are for love" I smiled at her "I'm afraid going slow just isn't my style"

"no wonder you and dad ended up together" she sighed as she put the goggles on.

"relax kid. We're almost there" I chuckled as we flew to the airship. My old home and the current home of wave and storm.

"uncle jet!" my neice and nephew cloud and sea ran up and hugged me.

"hey guys" I ruffled their feathers "where's your mom and dad at?"

"mom in the laboratory and dad's in the gym" sea muttered.

"some things never change" I sighed "come on mira. Let's go say hi to your auntie"

"ok" she nodded as we strolled to the laboratory.

I found her bent over the desk with a blowtorch in hand, fixing what looked to be a very beat up extreme gear!

I patted her on the back, making her jump. She turned around looking ready to chew me out when she suddenly stopped.

"jet!" she ingulfed me in a hug "and mira too. It's been so long since I've seen you two"

"hi auntie wave" mira waved awkwardly.

"is that my neice I hear!" storm ran in and pulled mira into a bone crushing hug "it's been forever since I've seen you kid. Oh how you've grown!"

"I can't breathe" she gasped.

"storm do you mind not killing my daughter. I only have one of them" I said firmly.

"oh sorry" he placed her down with a sheepish smile.

"you only have one? Wow I feel so loved right now" mira said sarcastically.

"oh you know I love you" I tickled her.

"hehe I know I know" she giggled "I'm going to go look for cloud and sea. I'll leave you three alone for some bonding time" with that she ran away.

Wave turned to me with a smile "want some tea?"

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