A Family Dinner

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Miras pov

I sat at the table drinking tea and eating cakes with my friends. This is nice. Almost made me forget about my disappointing day.

"feeling better now?" randall asked.

I nodded with a smile "much better. Thanks boys"

"no problem. What are friends for" charcoal smiled.

"I'm more than happy to get away for a bit" randall sighed "you have no idea how fustrating it is to deal with four sisters at once!"

"aww I love your sisters" I muttered.

"yeah so do I but a guy needs a break every once in a while" he sighed.

"I'm so glad I'm a only child" charcoal muttered "I can't imagine sharing my life with another sibling"

"I think you might be a little clingy bud" I sighed.


"wow look who it is" stefan appeared out of nowhere, making us jump.

"dear god man could you chill with the teleporting!" randall yelled.

"oh my bad" stefan scratched his head in embarrassment "hey mira can I sit with you. Please please please!"

"sure you can" I smiled at him "you're our friend too"

"awesome thanks" he sat next to me, looking almost giddy "so what's up with you?"

"Well I've been trying to get a job but no one would take me due to my age" I muttered, feeling embarrassed.

"what!" he stood up angrily "this is an outrage! I'm going to march down there and demand they hier you!"

"slow down romeo!" randall forced him to sit down "we're trying to relax. Not get stressed out over stupid stuff"

"fine" he sighed "in that case I want a double chocolate muffin!"

"his mood changed so quick I think I just got whiplash" charcoal muttered.

I giggled to myself. These are my best friends. They may be crazy and random but I love them all the same!

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