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Sonics pov


We looked up to see none other than robotnic sporting a brand new spider legged robot!

"hey it's that guy who try to steal all of babylons secrets" jet muttered. I guess he doesn't have too many run ins with the doctor.

"yeah the very same" I took him by the shoulders and firmly said "jet you stay right here. I'll deal with Eggman!"


But I wasn't listening. I ran straight up to the robot and pointed at him "up to your old tricks again eh Eggman?"

"don't call me that you insolent hedgehog!" he yelled, red faced and angry "I am dr robotnic. Ro-bot-nic! You got that!"

"whatever Eggman" I shrugged "just turn away before I'm forced to distroy another one of your robots!"

"I don't think so hedgehog" he pressed a button, revealing a heat seeking lazar "this is the day I finally distroy you!"

"as if I haven't heard that a million times" I stretched my arms "alright Eggman get ready to have alot of scrap on your hands!"

He fired the lazer but I was too quick. I raced up his leg and quickly dismantled the robot with a spin attack, sending robotnic flying.

"wow that was amazing!" jet raced up and hugged me from behind "I don't know how you don't get scared though. Are you afraid of getting hurt in those big explosions?"

"not really. I guess I'm just more focused on the people I have to protect" I looked at him.

He blushed and turned away "don't say that. You're getting me all flustered"

I chuckled and held him close. He really is the most adorable-

"aww sonic. How could you not tell me that you were in a relationship" I looked up in shock. I hadn't realised that he was still there.

"why would he tell you anything freak!" jet glared at him.

"how rude" robotnic gasped in mock offence "after all we spent so much time together"

"yeah kicking your butt" I held jet closer, afraid of what the doctor might pull "now leave us alone"

Suddenly the doctors eyes lit up as a sickening smile spread across his face "that little theif boy is quite special isn't he? It would be a shame if something were to happen to him"

I grit my teeth angrily "you lay a hand on him and you'll be losing more than a robot today!" I growled at him.

"oh so scary. I'll have to watch myself around you" he let out a manic laugh before leaving.

Jet folded his arms "what a creep! I can't believe I ever considered working with him" he smiled up at me "let's go look at the fishes again. That will cheer us up"

"yeah" I nodded as he took my hand and dragged me to the pond. Still I felt uneasy...

Just what was the doctor planning?

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