Storms Return

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Jets pov

I held the small girl close as we walked downtown. I noticed that she was dragging her feet around after us. Afraid that she was going to get left behind I scooped her up and carried her the rest of the way. She was pretty light so it wasn't that big a deal.

Still the way sonic smiled at me back there. It.. made me feel like I was doing a good job.

"Mr jet your face is red" cream pointed out.

"ahh don't worry about that kiddo. It's just really warm out here" I said, quickly thinking up a excuse.

"oh then we should get milkshakes to cool us down" cream said firmly.

"yeah good idea kiddo" I grinned. She's a pretty cool kid. Maybe I'll let her join the babylon rogues!

"ahhh!" we looked up in surprise to see none other than storm looming over amy.

"Well well cutie we meet again" he grinned.

"how many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone!" Amy yelled at him.

"oh come on. Don't be so quick to shove me away. Just give me a chance" storm flashed her his puppy dog eyes.

"no means no you creep" rouge growled "Now clear off!"

"stay out of this rouge!" he yelled at her.

"that man is awfully rude. Poor miss Amy" cream clung to me with tears in her eyes. I felt guilty. Storms one of my men after all. It's my fault the poor kids upset.

I gently sat her down with a smile "don't worry kiddo. I'll sort this out"

"o-ok" the girl did her best to wipe her tears away.

And so I did the only thing I knew how.

"babe!" I jumped behind him and wrapped my arms around him. The Hedgehog jumped a little, making me smirk. Not so fun when it happens to you is it!

"I just got out of the shop with cream. What's going on?" I cocked my head to the side in mock confusion.

"Storms harassing Amy again" sonic stuttered. He's kinda funny when he's nervous!

"y-your here boss" storm gasped.

"yeah. We were actually having fun before you showed up" I said coldly "now why don't you leave before I get angry with you"

"o-of course boss!" he shot a glare at sonic before rushing off.

"wow jet that was amazing" sonic grinned. The others nodded in agreement.

I folded my arms "now don't think I did this for your sake or that pink hedgehogs sake. I didn't have any of you in mind!"

"then why did you do it?" rouge asked.

I sighed "storm is one of my men. His screw ups are my screw ups. As leader it's my responsibility to deal with them and keep him from getting his butt kicked" I shook my head "have you all forgotten? I'm not a good person"

"that's not true!" cream ran up and hugged me "I think you're a very good person Mr jet"

"heh thanks kiddo" I petted her head. She's a real sweet kid. Reminds me of myself when I was younger.

I looked up to see him smiling at me. I blushed. That damn smile of his. Why dose it make me feel so good!


Oh god am I catching feelings!

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