Sonic To The Rescue

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Sonics pov

I raced through the air on my extreme gear. I have to get to Eggmans lair as soon as possible. Who knows what will happen to him if I don't!

"hey slow down hedgehog" wave drove up next to me "you won't be any use to the boss if you get caught"

"I don't plan on getting caught" I muttered as I speeded on. I have to save him. I can't worry about slowing down or getting caught. Nows the time to go full in!

I smashed through the window and landed on my feet.

Eggman turned around in shock "tch you damn hedgehog. Why everytime you come here you break something!"

"don't come crying to me about broken glass" I pointed at him angrily "tell me where jet is!"

"aww you're worried about your little boyfriend" he chuckled "well don't worry. He's in a safe location... For now"

"what the hell do you mean for now-" I was cut off by a huge lazer being pointed at my face.

"I mean he'll only remain safe as long as don't move" he said with a sadistic smirk "if you try to escape your fate hedgehog I can't gareantee his safety"

Suddenly wave and the others dropped down in the hole I made. The female babylon marched up to me and shook me hard.

"you idiot!" she yelled "I told you to hold back you reckless fool! We were going to sneak in and rescue jet that way"

"oh you were?" I muttered, feeling embarrassed by my hastiness.

"Well it's too late now fool!" the doctor laughed "now you must accept your fate and die!"

Well this is it I guess. I turned to the others "everyone please step back. You don't have to be a part of this"

"sonic what are you saying" tails looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry little bud but I can't let anything happen to the one I love" I forced a smile "take care of our place for me will you?"

"no you can't" tails tried to run to me but knuckles held on to him "let go let go!" he screamed but the echidna held on tightly with a pained expression.

"are you sure about this?" wave looked at me with concern.

"I am" I nodded "tell jet I loved him"

"will do" she nodded as she and storm stepped back.

"finally I shall be rid of you once and for all!" Eggman laughter joyfully "now die!"

The lazer powered up. I shut my eyes, ready to accept my fate-


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