Broken Ankle

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Jets pov

I opened my eyes to see the ceiling of my own home. It's been two weeks since robotnics sad attempt at revenge and it's left me in a cast. Turns out my ankle was broken in two places. One for when I fell off my bourd and the other from when he slammed his fist down on it! I'm glad he's rotting away in a jail cell.

I sat up and grabbed for my crutches. I couldn't walk without them which was really frustrating seeing as I was really bad with the crutches!

I limped out to the hallway where my husband sonic was talking on the phone.

"yeah amy he broke his ankle thanks to that guy! I know I should have messed him up more but that's not what heroes do. I don't get why you're angry at me!" suddenly I started to lose my balance. Sonic noticed me and gasped "Oh hold on I'll call you back"

He ran up and caught me before I fell "hey where you trying to go" he asked gently. He's been real gentle with me ever since I broke my ankle. It's nice but also really embarrassing!

"I was going to get some breakfast" I muttered, holding onto his arms for dear life.

"honey I could have just brought you food you know" he held me close "you didn't have to get up"

"but I wanted to" I muttered into his chest "I'm sick of laying around all day. I feel so useless"

He rocked me gently in his arms "I know you're feeling a little frustrated right now but you'll be better in no time! For now please rest"

I sighed "can I at least rest in the living room?"

"of course" he scooped me up and raced to the living room, gently plopping me down on the sofa.

"sonic I wanted to walk there!" I yelled. He simply laughed in response.

Suddenly I heard the doorbell ringing. I reached down for my crutches when...

"don't even think about it mister" sonic said sternly "I'll get it"

He opened the door and was immediately attacked by a purple blob (it was kinda hard to see where I was sitting)

"how could you" I immediately recognised the voice as wave "you were supposed to protect him. How could you let him get hurt!?"

"are you wishing I got the door now" I grinned at him.

"maybe" he chuckled lightly.

"jet!" she pushed sonic out of the way and ran towards me with storm behind her "are you ok? What happened to you"

"robotnic broke my ankle in a sad attempt to get my husbands attention" I shrugged.

"that guy again" storm growled "I'm going to rip him in half!"

"good luck with that. He's rotting away in a prison cell at the moment" I chuckled.

"Well as long as you're ok that's the main thing" she pulled me into a hug. I happily lay against her chest. It felt like we were kids again...

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