Hearing The News

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Sonics pov

I sat at the dining table telling knuckles and tails about what happened yesterday. They to say the least didn't take the news well.

"so Eggman know about your relationship with jet now" tails muttered in disbelief.

"yeah" I sighed "I didn't see him spying on us. I was careless"

"you idiot!" knuckles yelled "you should have been more careful. Now robotnics going to go after your boyfriend"

"now now let's all calm down" tails said gently "sure this is a bad predicament we've gotten ourselves into and it is conserning what the enemy knows but we still have time to figure out what to do"

As soon as the words left his mouth a tiny robot burst through the window with a TV in hand.

"special delivery!" he said brightly before flying away.

We stared at the TV perplexed before it switched on, revealing Eggmans face.

"greetings my little hedgehog friend. I've come to inform you that I'm in possession of someone very dear to you" the camera panned over revealing!

"jet!" no this can't be happening. He's been placed in danger because of me!

"what are you doing" Eggman growled "start screaming for help or something. How's he supposed to know you're in danger otherwise"

"no!" jet folded his arms "I'm not begging to the likes of you. I have higher standards than that!"

"he's tough I'll give him that" knuckles muttered.

"he sure is" I muttered. Still I can't help but worry. Jet doesn't have powers like the rest of us. He's alot more vulnerable.

"you insolant brat!" Eggmans face was red with anger "do you have any idea what position you're in"

"so you have a gun pointing at me. Ohh so scary. Get real you sorry excuse for a cartoon villien!"

"he really has no fear" tails muttered in disbelief.

Eggman glared at the boy for a moment before turning to the camera "as you can see your lovely partner has me at my wits end so hurry up and give yourself up before I strangle him!" with that the screen went dark.

"damnit!" I slammed my fist down on the table. This is all my fault. I put him in danger. Some boyfriend I turned out to be!

Tails placed a hand on my shoulder "it's going to be ok sonic. We're going to rescue him"

"we are?" I looked up in surprise "guys you don't have to-"

"of course we do" knuckles stepped in "that kid dissed the hell out of robotnic. There's no way I'm going to let anything happen to him"

I smiled greatfully at them "thank you both. Now let's get going"

"you're not going without us" we turned around to see none other than wave and storm.

Wave threw a bourd at me "grab a bourd hedgehog" she grinned "we're taking that doctor down!"

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