Running Into Each Other

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Sonics pov

I stepped outside to greet another beautiful day of sunshine and warmth. I was thinking of taking a run but then I caught sight of my extreme gear and figure why not!

I ran up and grabbed my blue bourd with yellow lightning bolts. My buddy tails made it for me and it looks awesome!

"hey sonic" speak of the devil tails popped his head through the door. He looked at the bourd in my hands and gasped "oh are you taking your extreme gear out for a ride?"

"yep" I nodded "I figured why not. It's been a while since I put this baby to use and I wouldn't want her collecting dust"

Tails looked at me suspiciously before shrugging "alright well be careful. Eggmans goons can see you easier up in the sky after all"

"I will bud" I gave him one final wave before flying off.

*time skip*

"woohoo!" I cheered as I zipped through the air at full speed. Would you look at that. She still works perfectly! I had to borrow one of jets bourds last time but now I have my own baby to ride and guess what, I'm still a pro!

I'm such a pro in fact that I bet I could fly around with my eyes closed. Testing my hypothesis I shut my eyes and did some tricks in the air. Things were going well until..


I hit something and the two of us went tumbling down to earth. I expected to hit the cold hard ground only to hit something soft.

I opened my eyes to see none other than jet under me.

"Ahhh!" I yelped and scrambled away, embarrassed by the position we found ourselves in.

"you idiot!" he yelled, his face as red as mine "who the heck flies around with their eyes closed!"

"sorry sorry" I muttered in embarrassment. I guess that was pretty stupid "are you hurt?"

"I'm fine" he rolled his eyes "as if you could ever hurt me hedgehog!"

I sighed. Why dose everything have to be a competition with this guy?

Our argument however was soon cut off by a certain someone...

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