Intrupted By Wave

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Sonics pov

I turned my head around in shock to see none other than wave herself.

"there you are jet" she breathed a sigh of relief "I was starting to get worried. It's not like you to be gone so long"

"yeah well sonic invited me out for a romantic dinner" jet quickly thought up a lie.

"he took you to a dump like this?" wave placed her hands on her hips with a stern look "couldn't your boyfriend take you somewhere nicer?"

"Well the thing is he's broke right now so we're making do" jet smiled innocently.

"I'm only broke because of you" I muttered, earning a kick from jet.

Wave sighed "you're real lucky to have someone as understanding as the boss"

"yeah I'm real lucky" I grumbled, stealing a glance at the boy. He simply grinned at me. Little con artist!

"Well anyway boss its time to go. We need to start planning our heist" wave took his hand and led him outside.

"wait" I ran in front of them "I wasn't finished with him" after all I was planning on kissing him and finally getting rid of these confusing feelings swirling around in my head.

Wave shook her head "sonic no one likes a clingy boyfriend"

I felt my face turn red "no I-"

"oh just knock it off already. You degust me!" she growled at me before turning to jet "come on sweetie let's go"

"alright" he nodded as the two of them left.

I groaned as I banged my head against the table. Well that was a failure for the record books!

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