Saving The World

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Miras pov

I ran through the hallway with my friends by my side. The others fought more than me but things felt different now. I actually felt like I was part of the team. Like I'm just as good as anyone else.

"we're near the end" I said firmly "don't stop now. Let's keep going!"

We burst through the door only to see...

"mama? Papa?" I gasped.

"mira!" mama ran up and scooped me into his arms.

"thank goodness you're safe" papa sighed in relief before turning to Eggman "now what to do about you"

The doctor sweated nervously "now now let's not be so rash. After all I still have the detonater for the bomb right here" he raised his hand only to be empty "what the-"

"you mean this detonater" stefan held it up with a smug grin "man doctor you really should be more careful about these things"

"gah you little-" he stopped once he saw mama and papa approach him angry "now now no need to make that scary face. Can't we just chalk this up to old times? Let's just laugh about this eh? Haha-ahhhhh!"

After a severe beating from mama he stood up and handed the phone to papa "phone the police" he said firmly "we end this now"

"got it cheif" he saluted him before dailing the number.

"man mira your mom sure is scary" Randall said nervously.

"he sure is" I chuckled to myself. Looks like the world is saved now. What a relief!

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