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You hurried up the steps of your uncle's house, sprawling staircase like something out of a Hollywood movie instead of the outskirts of Seoul. One of the staff opened the door and you slowed your pace stepping inside. You'd stayed too long in Jin's arms, allowed too many kisses and touches.

"You're late." Your mother turned the corner from the dining room and glared at you.

"I know, but only six minutes. You know the uncles are still in the garden smoking cigars." You'd smelled the wafting smoke from them as you'd entered the house.

"That is not the point at all and you know it. Get into the dining room." She clasped your elbow, a sheen of perspiration at her hairline.

Your mother was tough, commanding as the head of your father's diplomacy department in the family company. She didn't get nervous, never showed weakness in public. Seeing her anxiety so tangibly on her body made you slow, become out of step with her.

"Eomma, what is it?" You chewed your bottom lip, cold spilling down your spine in an unpleasant way.

"Samchon Kyulee is here."

You frowned, he'd spent the last three years in Hong Kong, forced there by another one of your uncles. Since that time he'd exclusively handled foreign contracts, your only contact through paperwork you relayed back and forth doing your duties as executor of documents.

"Why?" The chill down your back turned to a empty feeling in your stomach. Samchon Kyulee never came with good news.

"Cute that you think a wife would know." You swallowed hard, she was just lashing out because he made everyone off kilter, you refused to rise to the bait.

The conversation was over anyway you both turned into the long dining room. The elegant table was set with places for over twenty, silver candelabras with tall white candles sprinkled warm light around the space. Mellow lightning overhead kept things bright enough to see but muted.

The daughters, your cousins, and their mothers were already seated. Eleven with your mother and yourself in total, you slid into your usual seat across from her. The remaining thirteen chairs would be filled with your father, uncles, and their sons. There were only two ways to sit at the table, blood of the six cousins, the leaders of the Cha family; or wife and mother of an adult son. You had to have contributed to the family to have a say. A wife who couldn't produce a male heir would never sit at a family meeting.

There wasn't any small talk here, just neutral faces watching as kitchen staff poured water and wine into crystal. None of this ever struck you as weird, if anyone asked you'd have said your family was warm, loving even. What you wouldn't say is that everyone knew their role and their place.

Samchon Jaehyun came in first, arm around his son's shoulders follow by your father and brother more casually. After that it was a rumble of the last four uncles and their five sons. Samchon Kyulee winked at you before taking the chair at your side. You weren't sure how to feel, but it hadn't seemed threatening.

Dinner began, plates of food placed before each person and everyone began eating. As always Samchon Jaehyun's chef's had prepared each dish with exemplary skill.

"It's a shame your wife and daughters couldn't join you Kyulee." Your father, Baekmin said sipping from his glass, eyes glancing over the rim.

"This is a short trip, they have such busy lives in Hong Kong. They'll travel here for the weddings of course." As Kyulee spoke you got the feeling of dread again, weddings? More than one?

"Don't look shocked Y/N," your father soothed, "this is a conversation we've been having for years. You know it's time." You started to respond to him when Kyulee continued.

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