Forty Five

744 71 12

Your eyes shot open, the dream falling away so quickly the details were out of reach before you could even grasp for them. You realized the door to your room had slammed open shaking the small wooden pallet you'd laid on. Your fingers clasped the thin blanket your heart pounding viciously in your chest at the vivid wake up call.

"Eat quickly, Huan will be here to start your training." The guard from the previous night sat a tray on the floor nudging it toward you with the toe of his shiny black boot.

He looked at you with disdain, you'd probably become disheveled during the restless dreaming that filled your sleep. Your stomach growled raucously and you couldn't recall the last meal you'd eaten. Kneeling on the floor you dug into the soup and rice out of worry this Huan person would take it away to prove a cruel point they were in total control.

When the guard had left he'd not shut the door, and part of you wanted to creep through it, peer down the hall and take stock of your surroundings. Once again your gut told you to not do it and you complied focused instead on eating. The food was salty and had the distinct flavors of someone who cooked for purpose not enjoyment.

You had to stifle a dismal laugh, you were exactly as spoiled as Dongbin had accused you. Kneeling on the floor of your prison complaining about the bland meals, a toppled princess her crown askew.

For how long had you sat in your palaces and believed the small things you'd done were enough? The very money made off the backs of the ones you didn't save had funded your pleasures.

Why hadn't you convinced Seungho to run away? Hadn't he said he would? Instead you'd spent three years playing hero and digging his grave one spoonful of dirt at a time.

The guard had been right, before you'd even taken your last sip of the flavorless broth a grim faced tall woman strode into your room. It took her less than a second to analyze the space and then she yanked you to your feet by your hair. You were so stunned you didn't even cry out at her roughness.

"When I arrive your room will be tidy, your body clean, your meal completed." Her Korean was sharp around the edges each sound a knife that grated into your spine.

Without another word the familiar guard with a very large Doberman on a short leather leash appeared in the doorway. Huan, you suspected was her name, and the guard watched as you scrambled to tidy your bedroll. The room neatened you disappeared behind the screen to quickly wash and use the toilet. Your modesty about such things long gone after the long ride in the back of the truck across the ocean.

When you returned Huan pointed out the door and you followed behind the guard with the dog. Apprehension was vibrating through your body, leaving you tense. Training was what she was tasked with, and with the throb still softly agitating your head from her earlier violence you worried you'd fall short of her expectations. How badly would your body pay the price?

After walking down halls and through sterile looking rooms for what felt like forever, you reached a large practically empty one. The ceiling soared overhead, the walls an institutional gray, textured concrete of sorts. The windows were huge but near the top of the ceiling, spilling harsh beams of light that made you want to squint. The only thing in the entire gym sized area were chairs and a tall whiteboard that stretched half the length of the room.

In several of the chairs other women already sat, bleak faces that pointed toward their feet, twelve in all. Several guards with other dogs stuck to the outside of the space warily watching the group. As Huan shoved you into a chair you noticed the bruising on the woman at your side. Clearly if you didn't learn quickly your body would look the same.

"Everyone welcome Yang Da-Eun, she's a VIP." Huan had taken her place at the front of the room, her voice dripping sarcasm.

Yang Da-Eun. Was this to be your name for the rest of your life? The only consolation in it was that it didn't resemble your actual name. You said it to yourself in your head, lost in the sound of it when you hear it spoken sharply.

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