Twenty One

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You froze, eyes wide as Min raised a challenging look in your direction then turned her back to you. What had this girl done? Her mouth was a ticking time bomb, who knew what she'd just said to the group.

"Get your sister, hurry before she can do any more damage to our reputations." You nudged Seungho forward but he didn't move, causing your body to collide with his.

"It's best we don't, look Min Yoongi just pulled Seokjin over." Your heart sank as you watched him lean against his hyung saying something into Jin's ear. You saw anger bleed across his beautiful features all at once and although his body didn't move his eyes found you accusingly.

"Damn it. Come on all we can do is give them some space." You whispered under your breath, and like a gentlemen Seungho gently pressed his hand to your waist and guided you away.

Your heart thundered, and you had to practically tear the skin from your palm with your fingernails to not look back. Jin had looked so handsome in his dark blue suit, crisp white shirt beneath contrasting with his dark hair that curled around the collar. He was even gorgeous when his features held contempt for you like they did now.

"There's cameras on the left, they're going to take our picture, try to look happy." Seungho whispered against the side of your hair, his hands turning you slightly toward the incoming camera crew.

Standing there, smiling, looking up at your husband you realized this would never have happened with Jin. There wasn't ever going to be a time that you could proudly stand by his side. The likelihood of him presenting you as his girlfriend or even wife was slim.

Army would dig into everything you'd ever done, pull every tiny detail of your life to the surface that could make you look bad. They could never just let you be happy together, and they'd do it saying they were protecting him.

You'd hid the entire relationship, making sure to never go in public together once they'd gotten press coverage. After that almost all of your interactions room service at a hotel, long gone were the dinners out or movies at his dorm. No wonder he'd not jumped at the opportunity to acknowledge you; he'd have to give everything up. Jin knew all of this, why hadn't you?

"I think I'd like to steal my husband away for a while." You linked your fingers through Seungho's and waved at the press pulling him toward a long table draped in red silk and full of canapés and flower arrangements.

You both picked up a few bites placing them on delicate white plates with a swirl of red through the china, a bold pattern. He seemed to enjoy his selections but in your mouth they tasted heavy like clay on your tongue. Your stomach protested so when a waiter went by you snagged a glass of wine washing it down.

You wondered how long you'd have to stay before you could slip out? You weren't above seducing Seungho with the promise of sex to get him to take you home. What did it even matter at this point? You watched quietly as he spoke to someone who'd introduced themselves to him. His tone was bright and friendly, his handshake firm. Was he faking this good mood or was he faking it with you?

"Stay here near Eomma, I need to find a restroom before the auction." His voice shook you out of your head and you watched as he slipped into the crowd before you could even ask him about leaving.

Over your shoulder you glanced at his mother talking to some ladies her age. She was completely in her element, playing the loyal wife of a powerful man. That thought didn't help settle your stomach, the more you learned about the women who stood behind these men the more you wanted to ruin the entire system.

"How could you even have the audacity to show up at this event after hearing we would be in attendance?" Yoongi slid next to you, his face neutral speaking in such a benign tone it took a moment for you to register the sharpness of his words.

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