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You woke a tangle of limbs and sheets, Jin's bed head making you laugh and brush fingers through the soft hair. You kissed his upturned lips and then scooted from the bed for a shower. You'd let him sleep a few more minutes.

The heat from the water loosened tight muscles, revealed bruises that made you hiss, uncoiled tension. The two of you could be very rough in bed, but with his body being on display for designers and make up artists, yours tended to get the worst of it.

When you emerged from the humid bathroom twenty minutes later, wrapped in a robe you found Jin sitting on the edge of the bed. He was leaned forward forearms on his thighs focused on his phone. He'd pulled on shorts and a t shirt and you had the sudden urge to take them back off.

"Morning baby." You kissed the top of his head and snuggled toward him, hoping he'd set the phone down and explore under your robe.

"He said no." You froze, understanding immediately but not wanting that answer.


"He said it's been a difficult year, we've been slandered in the press already, turned down for a world tour. He said announcing a relationship would make me less appealing, all of us. He said ARMY will start thinking about us with girlfriends and move on to single groups." Jin was looking at you, his eyes red rimmed as if he was close to tears.

"That's not true, you might take a small hit but when you release your new album everyone will forget about dumb me." You felt his next words before he said them, prickles of tension reigniting on your skin.

"Bang Si-hyuk said to drop it, but I didn't. I called him, he said they'd release me if I pushed the issue." Jin looked in pain, his phone practically crushed in his palms.

"Then you let them release you! Jin you can find something else to do, you always wanted to act, work as a film producer. Are you going to choose BTS over me?"

"I don't want to do that, but he said they'd release me to military duty, not from the group. They'll hide me away in there, I won't see you at all for two years. It won't change our situation." Your stomach clenched, real pain flooding you.

He was right, unmarried he would never be allowed any contact with you while he served. Locking him away only meant you'd be married to Seungho for years before he even returned.

"I didn't tell you everything." You sat on the bed next to him, the sadness washing over you too acute to allow tears.

"You kept something from me?" Jin sounded wary and you hated it.

"I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to say yes because of it. I didn't want to trap you. When I said they would arrange me with someone else, I really meant they already had." Jin paled watching you talk. You decided to power through the rest before you couldn't.

"They already arranged the marriage, a month from now I'll wed Yoo Seungho." The tears came, big wet silent ones than tumbled down your cheeks.

"A month? Have you met him? Have you been seeing him?"

Jin sounded jealous, something you weren't used to from him. His tone too high pitched his face twisted in the beginnings of anger. Your relationship had been rock solid for years. Now because of your uncle he was doubting you.

"No Jin of course not, I've never met him at all. I only learned of this yesterday." You sat on his thigh wrapping your arms around his shoulders. He let you, relaxing slightly to place one hand at your waist.

"Remember last night when you said it wasn't as if you couldn't say no, what they wanted just made sense? Well darling, it doesn't make sense anymore. I think you need to tell them no."

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