Twenty Seven

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You'd managed to catch yourself and respond to Seungho before he picked up on your discomfort. You weren't sure you'd responded accurately to what he said, but he only nodded and grabbed the bowl of vegetables.

"I think she's just glad to get out of the house sometimes. She's only mentioned him twice. It didn't sound serious to me unfortunately, she could be exaggerating in the blog for views." You wished he'd stop talking, the blood rushing through your ears made you feel guilty.

"I'm glad for her, she's really gotten the worse of your appa for years. I wish we could have figured out how to bring her here with us."

You tried to change the subject, if that was the picture Jin challenged you for at the auction, it didn't mean he'd kept it. He could have donated it, or given it to a friend. Min worked in the industry with idols, Jin could have passed it on to one of them. It had been three long years, who knows how many walls it had adorned. Besides anyone could have reached out to the artist for a print. Jin winning could have started a trend; people wanting to have one too, so they could have something in their homes he had in his.

Speaking of three years, you should be over him now you chided yourself roughly. Between your dream this morning of Jin's hands wrenching your panties to the side and now seeing that stupid photograph you were a mess again. Why couldn't you just forget him? He'd cheated on you and then abandoned you.

"I honestly hope this relationship is serious and the guy is some popular idol she met at work. If he is maybe they'll marry and she'll be away from Appa." You felt the color draining from your face as he said the words.

"Would Chinhae allow that? Doesn't he want a strategic marriage for her?" You forced yourself to slurp a spoonful of soup, the taste of nothing on your tongue your brain felt as if it were malfunctioning.

"Of course he does but she's so headstrong no one will match with her. She also not beautiful," you started to defend her, "don't yell at me Aein, she's attractive but not gorgeous. If she were men may be willing to overlook her sharp tongue. Jae was sweet and quiet, it made things easier." You could understand what he was saying but the thought of having to bear watching them together took the air from your lungs.

"I guess time will tell." Even to your ears your response was flat and choked. Seungho looked at you for a moment but you smiled, forcing it to be genuine by thinking about how much you'd grown to love him.

That night in bed when he stroked his fingertips down your hip, you pretended to be asleep. Seungho's light kisses along your shoulder that normally would have roused you, needy and ready for him made you feel ashamed that they hadn't. After a moment you felt him giving up, his gentle kiss against the crown of your head before he laid back against the pillows too endearing.


Saturday you dressed for dinner with his parents and Min, doing your make up carefully. The small split on the edge of your lip and the subtle shading at your jawline made it look as if you'd tried to cover real blemishes. You were pleased with how well you did them but it wasn't lost on you that it was a morbid talent.

The rest of the week had been quiet, lots of hours in the office, dozens of meetings but no more trips to the abandoned warehouse by the lake. You felt restless, ready for your next tip, disappointed that you hadn't found one yet.

"You look lovely Yeobo." Seungho kissed your cheek and let his hands slide down to your waist greeting you as you walked into the kitchen.

"You know pissing your father off always puts me in a great mood." You grinned pressing your body against the length of his, somehow you'd managed to exorcise Jin from your mind again.

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