Forty Seven

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"Thank you for seeing us so early, my schedule is unusually hectic this time of year." Jin explained bowing slightly to Bao, he'd not yet turned and seen you.

Ji Hoon keep his eyes forward, monitoring Jin and ignoring the five of you entering the room quietly. Like yesterday Huan had you kneel across from the group, Minji watched you all with a disgusted look on her face out of the corner of her eye, you didn't let it bother you. It didn't even irritate you when Minjae glared at you and turned up her nose.

"For someone of your status, Kim Seokjin it's not surprising, anything we can do to make this process easier would be our pleasure. I know marriage and children are stressful in normal families, doubly so when you're as influential as yourself." Bao motioned to a tray with a tea set on a low table between them.

Huan nodded at the girl at your side, you weren't sure of her name and she rose elegantly and walked to the table. Kneeling slowly with a delicate grace she poured from a red teapot into each cup, the deep brown liquid so fragrant you smelled it all the way across the rug.

"This is Sunghoong," Bao indicated the woman before them, "on the left is Bong Cha, the right Da-Eun." He nodded toward the two of you.

"She's lovely." Jin released Minjae's hand to stroke his fingers through Sunghoong's hair, his eyes gliding over you passively to Bong Cha. "How old is she?" His free hand waved at her.

"Twenty five," Huan answered evenly, "she's already given birth to a healthy strong infant son a year ago." Pride was in her tone but your stomach felt like it rocked. This poor woman had already been forced to give up a child?

"You'd never guess she's had a child." Minjae quipped, of course she was focused on the superficial, noting how thin the woman looked.

"Da-Eun is from Andong, no children but one of our most healthy surrogates." Huan smiled at Jin and stepped behind you.

"But you know for a fact that Bong Cha tolerates pregnancy." Once again Jin looked past you, he was playing this game well.

Should he seem too eager toward you or interested it would seem odd. But if he showed no interest at all and then suddenly picked you it would be odd as well. You wondered when he would give you attention.

"Sunghoong plays several instruments and has an IQ of 130, very impressive for someone who didn't come from an affluent family." Jin's attention was drawn back to the beautiful girl at his feet, he stroked his thumb across her bottom lip while licking his own.

You knew it was a game and still it unsettled you, this girl was scared, worried about her future and he was stroking her as if she was a prize he could claim. He leaned forward, his face brushing her long straight hair and inhaled.

"She smells good enough to eat." The whole group laughed and you watched as her cheeks turned red, embarrassed at his behavior.

For a few minutes they all sipped the hot tea discussing time frames and expectations. Minji asked more questions than Jin or Minjae, the overbearing mother in law.

"If the baby is born with issues? Or isn't as expected?" She raised a brow, this wasn't a baby, it was a product to purchase apparently.

"You'll still need to pay the fee for the surrogacy but you're never required to purchase the child unless it meets your standards." You saw Jin's face wince, unable to restrain himself.

"Eomma, we're talking about my child, regardless of what you may think, they are biologically mine. In the least we should provide for them even if they aren't raised in my home." To the end even in this farce he couldn't pretend to be that awful, love surged in your chest, your eyes dropping to the floor to conceal it.

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