Forty Six

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"We appreciate you making the time for us today Mr. Zhou." Minji was speaking warmly to Bao and it took every bit of self control to follow the lessons beaten into you for weeks. "My daughter and her husband are looking forward to starting a family and we're grateful you're able to assist us so quickly."

Hearing her speak of the marriage with so much joy when her son had died just weeks ago made your stomach roll. Adding in her comment about them starting a family, had you eaten this morning it would have found its way back into your mouth. You fought to keep your body upright but loose, eyes lowered at the floor. You let your gaze trace the sumptuous patterns of the red and gold rug trying not to let her words upset you.

"I've always known I couldn't carry a baby on my own, so we were pleased to have been given your name and positive recommendations. Of course we could have found a surrogate in Korea but we don't want anyone to know that's I didn't give birth to the child myself. You know how people talk, nothing stays secret." Minjae was sparkling with pleasure, you didn't even have to look at her to feel the radiance pouring from her.

Samchon Kyulee was creatively evil, of course he'd aimed them in your direction, had he told them the family had found you and your lover and sent you here to punish you? Jin had said it was a marriage of convenience but they were already discussing having a child just weeks later? Did Seungho's message about what had happened to you never reach Jin at all?

You doubted Minjae would choose you, this was just her rubbing in your face how far you'd fallen. She'd warned you that you'd break Seungho's heart, but even worse you ended up getting him killed and she was using this moment to crush you beneath her foot. Watching Jin's child grow in the belly of a woman you had to see daily would drive you to madness, a pleasure she'd cherish.

"As I mentioned when you wrote to me last week, we don't have a medical center here, we can provide a surrogate but if you're looking to use your own," he paused and you guessed he was struggling with the translation, "then we wouldn't be ideal." Bao hesitated, maybe Minjae had understood him and nodded.

"My eggs are no good, we will need a full surrogate that uses her own." Minjae finished for him and you grit your teeth harshly.

"These are certainly our most lovely girls, but if you don't see anyone you like Ms Huan can bring in more, or we can continue looking for someone that matches your expectations." You swallowed back acid, Minjae and Jin were going to steal the baby from one of these women after she gave birth.

You'd believe she was capable of such awfulness, she was self centered and wouldn't think twice about manipulating someone to get what she wanted but Jin? If he didn't know her intentions yet, which didn't seem possible unless he was completely blind, he'd figure out this wasn't a normal surrogate situation.

"Ladies." Huan's voice came from the room and you lifted your head at the command, Minji was looking at you curiously but not shocked to see you, your instinct about Kyulee was likely correct.

"This is the Kang Aera and her Eomma Choi Eun-ji." Bao told you, and you felt momentarily confused before bowing toward the floor.

Of course they wouldn't use their real names, this was an illegal operation, they wouldn't want any records tying themselves back to it. They simply wanted to collect a child and then separate themselves from what they'd done. You held very still returning your eyes to a neutral position, head up like expected but not meeting anyone's eyes.

"I know you've already said Mr. Zhou, but it's absolutely imperative that this is done with absolute privacy, my husband is a public figure." You felt Minjae's eyes on you, and flicked your eyes in her direction, her catlike grin almost unsettled you.

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