Forty Nine

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The two of you stole another few minutes, your cheek pressed to Jin's chest his arms holding you tight. Your ear picked up every heartbeat beneath his ribs, it felt like the counting of the infinite moments you'd been separated the last three years.

For once you didn't feel any guilt being at his side, sadness and regret would always follow you now that Seungho was gone but the three of you had been thrown into this life without choice. You'd been lucky to have been loved by them both. Seungho's final words that night had told you his wish for you to be in a passionate love. You knew that would always and had always been Kim Seokjin.

Besides you had nothing left in the world but two people who proved they would risk it all for you, and two people people who were willing to help you, even if their motivation was revenge. You couldn't afford to lose anyone over guilt or trap yourself into thinking you deserved less, you had to cling to whatever was still within your grasp.

"I should get to breakfast, remember the plan darling." Jin sat up reluctantly, helping you both sort through your clothing.

"I don't think I can stand it if you leave." Jin turned at your words and pulled you against his chest again. His arms held you securely, his fingers grazing the skin at your waist and you wanted to beg him never to leave again. He finally nudged you backward and handed your pants to you.

Dressed once more he stroked his fingers through your hair and kissed you slowly. The panic that he was leaving couldn't be quelled, and even though you knew he'd return the loneliness you'd pushed down was swirling it's way up inside you. Hope was a dangerous notion, counting on him saving you made all the scenarios of what could go wrong tug at your brain.

"I'd smuggle you out if I thought I had any chance at all." His lips pressed to your forehead, you could hear the strain in each sound. It must be equally painful for him to leave you behind, the helplessness of knowing the best he could do right now wasn't save you.

"I have Ji Hoon watching my back, I'll be alright. Just hurry, do what you can."

Jin nodded at your words and you watched the change in his body language. You recognized it, you'd seen Seungho do it more times than you could count. That embodiment of whatever character he was about to portray, most often the tyrant husband in front of Chinhae.

His palm pressed you forward and he opened the door to the room forcing you through with a laugh. In the hallway Huan, Ji Hoon and your Bao security guard turned toward the two of you.

"She's a lot of fun, but she's going to need to loosen up, she's kinda jumpy." His tone was jeering and he shoved you toward Ji Hoon a slap against your ass as he adjusted the collar on his shirt.

"If you could point me in the direction of the garden? I'd like to rejoin my wife." It was as if you'd disappeared to him, his attention back to regarding you as an object as he spoke to Huan.

"Bao is expecting all of us, if you'll follow me." You looked at the floor, why wouldn't you be released now? What more did they want with you?

The walk was short, only a few hallways separated the plush bedroom from the luxurious outdoor space. Bao, Minji, and Minjae were around a table sipping tea and enjoying plates of food, their conversation animated as you approached.

Jin reached Minjae and leaned down kissing her cheek, she pretended to bat him away giggling. Huan had motioned you to a pillow several feet away from the table, you knelt there not sure of what was expected of you.

"As if I want kisses after that!" Her tone was flirtatious even if her words were accusing, her hands clung to his wrist, her smile beautiful.

"I guess I'll owe you another apartment? Paris or Berlin this time?" His laugh sounded so genuine you found it hard not to flinch.

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