Thirty Five

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Ji Hoon stopped the car at your second destination of the day, the one you'd dreaded with everything in yourself after meeting with Jin. You'd told him in the car what Jin had shared with you, and you could see all over his face he wanted to suggest you skip dinner.

"Can you really keep your mouth shut Y/N? I don't believe you can sit at dinner and pretend things are the same as they were a couple hours ago." Ji Hoon's voice was stern, and you knew it was for more than just one reason.

"Can you give me a little credit? Haven't I sat at these dinners for years while hiding bigger things than just knowing my brother is a hateful snake of a liar? Didn't we already know that? I just didn't know he'd threatened Jin and me the day of the wedding."

"Are you done with Kim Seokjin now? Can we close that chapter?" Ji Hoon was softer at this request, and that made it harder to lie to his face. Maybe you weren't any better than Dongbin.

"It will be hard but I'm done, I'm committed to the plan that's already in motion." Ji Hoon looked at your eyes for several seconds, you did everything in your power to remain calm and sincere.

"Alright let's go, being late won't do you any favors. I want you to know that I reserve the right to revisit this conversation as many times as it takes to believe you." He left the car coming around to open your door, the perfect example of a body guard.

The atmosphere of the dining room was the same as always, wives and daughters shifting uncomfortably while pretending to make meaningful small talk. Hoojin had just had her second baby, married almost the same amount of time as you had, it made every conversation with your mother revolve around your fertility.

You'd dodged her vague inquiries into your future plans for children, asking your aunt about Hoojin's newest little one. Your mother finally with a tired smile came out with it.

"When can we expect the same from you Y/N-ah?" All ten pairs of eyes turned to you, the room gone silent while you waited for the men to grace you with their presence.

"Next year. I want one more year of working for the family full time before I have to cut back my involvement. Seungho and I agreed thirty would be a good age." You tried to put notes of excitement into your tone, bring back the feeling only weeks ago when you'd cradled his head against your empty belly.

"That's terrific news," your cousin Sehyun beamed at you, she'd been putting off her own pregnancy plans much to a chagrin of her own mother, "Dae Jung and I were thinking next year too, it would be fun to raise little ones together."

After that the next several minutes was everyone discussing everything pregnancy related, your aunt, with six children of her own the most vocal. It allowed you to be silent, focus on the flickering candle, the shine of it against the heavy silver spoons at your plate.

You did want babies, but now you weren't sure if you wanted their father to be your husband or Jin. The tightness returned to your throat, your hand reaching for a water glass to choke back the thought.

"I heard Minjae has become engaged." You hadn't even realized your brother had slipped beside you, flopping into the chair beside you heavily.

"Poor Minjae." You shoved as much vile into the notes of your voice as you could summon at no notice.

"Maybe we should have held out, he's one of the richest idols in Korea. What he lacks in courage he makes up for in influence." You seethed at his words, but turned with a faked grin.

"Idols don't last, the money and influence he has today will be gone within ten years max. Seungho and his family's extensive businesses were the better choice." You believed the words coming out of your mouth, maybe you'd learned quite a bit from Seungho's acting lessons.

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