Nineteen ꕥ

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His hands felt different than Jin's but the way he touched you left you breathless. You squeezed your eyes shut against that thought. Jin made his choices, Seungho was here, and he was your future. You had no reason to feel guilty or loyal to anyone but your husband.

"Tell me what you want Y/N." His mouth kissed along your ribs his hands at your waist holding you firmly against the bed.

"I want you, don't stop." You groaned when he used teeth along your hipbone.

"Are you on birth control?" He paused looking upward at you and you nodded. "Should I use protection anyway?" His hair fell over one dark eye and you brushed it away.

"No." The word ended in a gasp when his fingers slipped against your wetness, parting you.

Seungho marked your inner thigh and the sharp pain made you arch toward him. He wasn't as rough as you were used to but he seemed to be aware of your body's response to his attention.

You propped yourself up pulling the pillow under your head and shoulders so you could watch. Even in the dark you could sense how he was hesitating, you held your breath, you could feel every thump of your heart.

"Waiting for this Yeobo?" His tongue stroked against your pussy and you moaned.

"Do it again." You whispered the words and stroked your fingers into his hair urging him more deeply between your legs.

Seungho didn't respond but his mouth closed around your clit, the tip of his tongue dancing around it and you pressed against him. His mouth felt mind blowing, he knew every nuance to pull pleasure from your body. Your knees bent lifting toward your chest spreading outward you feet against his shoulders, opening wider for him.

"Fuck!" You groaned the word, fingers so tangled in his hair you weren't sure you could free yourself.

"Do you want more Aein?" His tongue slid into your depths and you closed your eyes, muscles clenching.

"Yes, please Oppa." He laughed softly at the name, which you never called him even when you should.

"Get on your knees, I think this dripping pussy is ready to be fucked." His words stirred so much heat into your body you shivered, you scrambled to do what he asked.

How had you never noticed how sensual and sexy your husband was? Seungho helped you roll to your belly then he knelt behind you and dragged your hips backward until you were positioned on your hand and knees.

You almost came around his fingers when he let two of them spread your wet opening. They didn't stay still, they curled and dragged inside your walls making your heart pound in your chest. His thumb found your clit and rolled it side to side, the waves of orgasm thrashing just outside of your reach.

"I'm not going to stop until you cum, on my fingers and then after on my cock." He laughed softly and you felt his lips caress your back, his warm chest brush your ass as he arched over you.

Seungho firmly pressed his thumb against your clit and you keened the orgasm almost drowning you as it pulled you under. His thumb stroked tiny beats through the whole rush, but his fingers inside you stilled. When you came down you felt his cock brushing upward through your folds.

"That wasn't so hard was it Aein?" His hand slapped your ass and you cried out but pressed backward wanting him to fill you.

"Oh you're going to get it this," Seungho leaned over you again but this time pressed your shoulders and cheek into your pillow, "but maybe you should tell me how much you want it?"

His icy words melted into your ears and set all your nerves on fire, you'd have given anything for him to use your body roughly. Half an inch of the thick head spread you and you hummed with anticipation, your slick wetness almost sticky on your thighs.

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