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"Don't hurt Jin, you can't! Hybe would stop at nothing to find out what happened, they'd be worse than the CIA!" All you had left was begging, the frantic words Kyulee was mostly ignoring.

"Who was pretending to be his wife and mother in law? His head snapped in your direction and you realized he didn't know everything. Minji and Minjae had used fake names, it made sense now.

"Jimin and Jungkook in wigs." You glared at him, then tasted his wrath when your head snapped to the side with his back handed blow.

"Try again niece, or I'll just open the plane door and toss you out over the ocean." Kyulee grabbed your shirt whipping you back toward him. You hadn't even realized the car was moving, where did he intend to take you in an airplane?

"Good! Kill me! You better! Otherwise I'm going to make your life difficult with every breath I have left. Jin and Ji Hoon's people will never stop, you'll never rest." You screamed at him, a manic laugh bubbling out at your audacity to challenge him.

"Their names." You gasped, the sharp edge of a blade dug into your abdomen, easily piercing the thin work shirt.

It took the sarcasm right out of you, as much as you grandstanded you hoped he would kill you, it was a lie. You'd let hope get in, and you wanted a life with Jin, you wanted to ruin your family like you'd promised Seungho. You wanted to get to experience happiness again. You tried pulling away but his hand at your throat held you fast.

"I don't know them, I'm sure they were probably Ji Hoon's old military buddies." He shoved it forward another several inches, you felt the blood ooze around it and tried not to cry out the pain a burning flame curling into you.

"There's many ways to die, if you keep being difficult I'll find the most painful one for you." You believed his ice cold words, you believed he intended to kill you once he got you far enough away from Jin.

Kyulee finally pulled back, the knife leaving your body, you winced then looked down, your shirt wasn't covered in blood. You hoped that meant the wound was superficial even though it throbbed, the pain impossible to ignore.

"Why would any of them bother with you? Jin doesn't need your money anymore. He really should have married that Yoo girl, at least then he could be connected to real power."

You bit your tongue, you no longer felt like speaking to him, you had to think. The problem was when you did you pictured Ji Hoon dying, tears escaped and you longed to brushed them away.

"How did he find you? We're guessing a sympathetic leak in our own home. I've had your brother searching through the tapes of that night, trying to find anyone who looked even slightly compassionate toward you. You would have thought seeing your husband die would have taken that notion away from the most tender heart."

You wanted to scream, this man loved the sound of his voice, loved to preen at how smart and powerful he was but hadn't you almost bested him twice? If you through that in his face would he kill you right here?

"Sir, I'm pretty sure we're being followed." The driver lowered the divider and spoke evenly.

The tracker. In your horror at seeing Kyulee, and then fear of Ji Hoon's death your forgotten the tiny chip you'd faithfully pressed into your shirt the previous evening. There was no chance Ji Hoon could have tipped anyone off, so who knew you were in danger?

"Just get to the airport, it's probably just Bao's men giving us back up. That old man is paranoid." As the screen went back up he turned to you.

"Maybe I'll send Jin your finger, or an ear. Something to remember you by." Your stomach turned at his cruelty, but you didn't say anything, refusing to be baited.

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