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The entire ride back to the Yoo's home you fixated on your father's words. He'd been kind to you to secure your obedience, to ensure your dedication to him when the time came for you to be useful. Now that you'd served your purpose he no longer had to pretend to find you worthy of his love.

You leaned your cheek against the cool glass of the car window and tried to rest your eyes. You'd apologize to Yoo Chinhae and explain why you'd gone to the hotel. You'd fall at his feet and beg for his mercy, you had no other choice. If your family wouldn't put him in his place you'd have to learn to avoid his wrath like his wife had.

When the car jolted to the side, the crunch of metal on metal you jerked upright, cringing at the pain the motion caused as your cheek bounced against the window. You twisted in your seat trying to see through the dark tint what had happened. You were on a deserted stretch of an exit ramp, another dark car service vehicle behind you, clearly having hit you.

"Stay in the car Y/N-ssi, it's a minor traffic accident. Let me look at what's happened." Your driver slipped from the vehicle with annoyance and you groaned. That's all you needed, another delay getting home, another reason for your father in law to be furious.

The door opened suddenly, almost violently, surprising you and Jin slid into the backseat next to you. You stiffened, angry that he had the audacity to do this again, after everything, shocked that he'd go to these lengths.

"You staged a car accident? Are you fucking crazy Seokjin? Get out! Didn't I make it perfectly clear I don't want to see you again?" Your tone was shrill, your heart pounding.

If he wasn't going to leave you needed to get out of the car, you needed to create distance. You were probably being followed, Chinhae would know you were with him again even after his savage reprimand.

"Did you think that stupid childish stunt was going to change how I feel about you?" Jin grabbed your arm as you reached for the door handle stopping you.

"Let go of me." You wrestled your hand away and slapped his arm when he reached for you again.

"Look at me Y/N!" Jin pulled your glasses off and you froze. "Wha-," the word cut off as he saw your face. He toppled your hat to the floor.

"Darling-," he started, once again the words dissipated into nothing. His finger hovered over your cut eyebrow then followed the vicious purple inflamed bruise that edged down your cheekbone.

You batted his hand away, your heart beat with terror now, he had to leave. When you got home and they told Chinhae you'd been with him again it would be so much worse than last time. Would Seungho even be able to stop his father? You couldn't breathe, you clawed the top button of your shirt off your throat.

"Seungho did this? He fucking put his hands on you?" Jin had found his voice, he was practically roaring with fury, his eyes so dark it was scary.

"No he didn't touch me, but this is none of your business." When Jin leaned forward you shoved him backward hand on his chest, he was undeterred. He cupped your unbruised cheek his eyes softening.

"Who's hurting you? What happened?" His voice was thick with tempered emotion, wobbling with control.

"It's your fault!" You twisted away from him tears finally springing from your eyes. "Because I came to see you last night this happened, and now it's going to happen again. You have to go right now!"

"I'm not leaving you, I won't let them hurt you." He unclipped your seat belt and was dragging you across the seat hands at your waist. You panicked striking out at his shoulder, his side, your tears shook your body. Jin wasn't understanding you at all, he wasn't listening.

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