Five ꕥ

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Surprisingly Jin had agreed to your brother's plan, his eyes dimming a bit realizing neither of you had succeeded. It could have been because Bang made it clear that under no circumstances could Jin rock the proverbial BTS boat right now. The other members of the group had mostly taken Jin's side but they all seemed wary of upsetting their first glimmers of real success.

Now you lay in Jin's arms in the hotel bed, the exhaustion of the mental gymnastics the last two days taking its toll. You'd not made love, or even completely undressed despite tonight being your last night together.

"You're in Seoul for a while after next week?"

"Technically but most of that I'll be in filming. I'd planned some afternoons with my parents and as many evenings with you I can sneak away. But one of those days we could elope instead." He tried to grin conspiratorially but it didn't quite work.

"I'll check with Dongbin he said he knew of a few celebrants that he could call on short notice. Afterward he'll take the papers to the district office."

"What will your parents do when they find out you can't marry Yoo Seungho?" Jin looked worried and if you were being honest with yourself, you felt worried too. You traced the lines of his hands distracting yourself.

"I'm sure they're going to be furious, but if you grovel and ease their financial loss they might calm down." You winced, asking Jin to pay money to your family felt wrong, but what could you do? If Jin was upset about it, he didn't mention it.

"Someday BTS is going to be the biggest group in all of Korea, maybe the world. They'll be glad I'm their son in law. Besides darling, all I care about is that I don't lose you. I will do anything I can to keep us together." He kissed your cheek and then your lips, you wanted to believe more than anything that he was right.

"I'm sorry I asked you to choose me over BTS." If you couldn't turn your back on your family how could you ask the same? They were closer than just family in some ways, you knew that.

"I would though, I'd walk away. Fame will never mean more to me than you, there's so many other things I could do with my life that keeps us together." Jin nuzzled your neck, kissing your collarbone gently.

"Can we not talk about any of this for a while? Half our time together has been this mess and I just want to enjoy the last minutes we have together before everything gets crazy."

You rolled him backward and climbed over him straddling his lap, his hands finding your hips like they'd done so many times before. When you pressed downward rotating your hips he groaned, his eyes darkening with need.

"Why don't you take off my clothes baby?" You leaned forward until you could kiss his lips, pulling back before he could take control.

Jin did just that, making quick work of each item of clothing then his own until you were astride him again naked. When he reached upward to cup your breasts you grabbed his wrists tucking them between your thighs and his hips.

"Can't I play for once?" You pouted down at him, his cock was pressed firmly against your ass and you wiggled against it.

"No." His eyes rolled backward but he easily dislodged his hands and cupped your breasts, sitting up.

Jin's tongue darted back and forth between your hard nipples, making your squirm. After a moment he dropped one hand between your legs, finding your clit, brushing it until you whimpered. Things were progressing more gently than normal but you didn't mind, you just wanted him.

He lifted you below the thighs and trapped his hard cock against your wet pussy, dragging it back and forth. The friction felt amazing as his mouth met yours in a kiss that sent fire into your stomach.

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