Twenty Eight

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"BTS is ready to announce the romantic relationships of its members?" You couldn't help yourself, you blurted it out too quickly. Why did you just want to watch the smug look on Min's face falter?

It did waver and in a way that made you feel guilty not pleased. She was trying to get out of her situation and you were worried about an ex lover when you had just been thinking about carrying your husband's baby. You hated yourself but somehow couldn't stop, it was the art auction all over again.

"We don't plan to make it public yet, eventually when the timing is right. Yoo Chinhae has been gracious enough to accept my situation." Jin's voice held a taste of acid that was bitter on your own tongue, was he really going to throw your family's ultimatum in your face?

Kim Seokjin didn't know what you'd been through, the things you'd sacrificed. The days of just being a naive girl in his bed felt so far away when you thought of all the choices you'd made since then. You'd been blissfully unaware of how life really was, how entwined your family was with underground illegal business dealings. You'd faced things, done things, that were unforgivable, and he really thought making you feel bad about your family wanting him to publicly acknowledge you mattered anymore? For him to act so self righteous now was insulting.

"I'm sure Army will be incredibly charmed by your choice of bride when they find out." You turned and left the room before you could see anyone's reaction, Seungho following close behind.

"Don't pick a fight Aein, this is exactly what my father wants. He's pleased as hell that Min secured your ex. You're playing right into his drama and you know we always lose." He yanked you around the corner toward your old room whispering harshly.

You knew he was right but how were you supposed to just accept this? Accept that you'd been set up again? Did you believe that Minjae hadn't known exactly who Jin was? It struck you that why should she care? She'd accept the advances of anyone that wasn't her father's business partners if they'd take her away.

"I have to just deal with this?" You whispered back wrenching your arm from his hand. He let go of you instantly, clearly not meaning to restrain you.

"Yes, I thought we were past Kim Seokjin." Seungho brushed a finger against the side of your neck and you doubled your guilt.

"It's just jarring to see him after all this time." You tried to meet his eyes, show him nothing had changed, but everything had changed.

"I thought we wanted a future, together, a real one." He stood a little straighter, you saw in his eyes he was pulling away, protecting his heart.

You cupped his face in your hands and kissed him. He'd been more loyal to you than anyone other than Ji Hoon and you were hurting him. You couldn't stand letting it continue.

His arms wrapped around your waist and he tugged your body against his own, the kiss felt familiar. There was desire in it, the flames of how you felt for him but all too quickly you thought of Jin. He was here, in this house, and you couldn't deny the pull you felt toward him.

"I'm sorry Jagi. I just didn't expect this and the thought of having to deal with him through Min got the best of me." You whispered against his lips, sighing.

"We won't have to deal with them much longer, we're closer than ever to pulling the trigger and then we can go wherever you want. We can make dozens of chubby babies and not think about Korea ever again." Seungho kissed you again and you let the picture he painted lull you into submission.

At the dinner table Chinhae had ushered Jin into the seat directly across from you, ensuring there was no way you could avoid seeing his handsome face. Seungho's warm hand against your thigh kept you calm, but also distracted you. Why did you feel so disloyal with his hand on your body in front of Jin?

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