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"Flames" by Tedy







"But when I near you I feel flames, I touch the fire, I get burned."

"You bring the bad right out of me, you hold the gun I'll pull the trigger."







You didn't cry, the atrocities your family had committed no longer shocked you. You'd known you were disposable hadn't you? The only difference was you'd once thought your brother cared for you. At least until the day you showed up with a bruised face at your father's home you'd had thought he was on your side, when he proved his disinterest.

You'd even tried to understand that after he'd failed to unite you and Jin on your wedding day to Seungho how he might have just expected you to get on with your life. You hadn't considered he would think of another plan or try anything more. You even in a small way could forgive him transferring the loyalty he had to you toward your father.

Didn't he have to be a stronger man to take on his father's responsibility? Wasn't that what he'd been training for his whole life? How foolish you'd been to think that he'd have risked anything for you. But could you have really suspected him of being willing to take your life rather than allow any disgrace to come to the Cha name?

"Say something darling, you're starting to worry me." Jin's voice broke the spell you'd fallen under. His fingers against your wrist made you jerk away, the heat it left behind scorching.

"I'm not surprised, I'm just glad he didn't hurt your family. You're incredibly stupid to not have run in the opposite direction." You were scooting back from the table, there wasn't anything else you wanted to hear. The thought of leaving and returning to Ji Hoon made you start to stand.

"I will never walk away." Jin said it with a ferocity that froze you to the spot, you were no longer trying to escape.

"Like I said, incredibly stupid." You swallowed trying to force down the emotion from his words. The split second you'd made eye contact you'd seen his resolve and it made you uncomfortable.

"The only moment I've been stupid is when I wrote that letter." Jin was kneeling on his pillow, like if he moved too quickly you'd bolt away. His motion made you stand awkwardly, wanting to create distance. You didn't want his confessions, to be placated.

"Somehow you knew exactly what to say to hurt me deeply, Seokjin. Then doubled down at the art auction." Jin stood at your words his hands waving like he could stop you from saying anything else.

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