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Pretty Please

"Dynasty" by MIIA







"The scar I can't reverse and the more it heals the worse it hurts"

"Thought we built a dynasty forever couldn't break up, it all fell down, it all fell down"







You sat on your bed, burner phone in your hands and stared at it. Now that you'd had a moment to sit with your thoughts they were more fractured than ever.

Had Jin really made a plan the night of the auction to run away with you? You couldn't talk yourself out of knowing the details. You'd made a whole list of the reasons not to speak to him again and but were struggling to listen to them.

You loved Seungho and he was home to you, the life you'd created together the plans you'd made to construct a new future for yourselves and your children, what you wanted. You were dragging each other out of a dark place and that was worth something.

You'd built this dynasty together and it had been unshakeable. You could trust him with anything, he accepted you exactly as you were, he held your heart.

If you asked Ji Hoon for Jin's number and you met with him, you couldn't take it back. There wouldn't be a rewind button, and it would put cracks in the foundation of everything that you believed.

You were off the bed, slippered feet loud on your beloved stone flooring, but for once the sound made you cringe. You were practically running toward Ji Hoon's room, and you didn't care what fall out there would be, you couldn't let yourself think about it.

You really did love Seungho. He was your life, that meant that this conversation with Jin meant nothing. You just needed to know why Jin had sent you a body guard, why he'd wanted you to hate him, if he really had lied about cheating.

In fact this was going to mean so little to you that you were going to tell your husband when he got home that you wanted to stop taking birth control. That you wanted his baby as soon as possible. You pressed your palms to your stomach immediately imagining him cooing to a growing bump and the first strained sob bubbled out of your mouth.

You were at Ji Hoon's door and you knocked too hard, your knuckles radiating with pain as you stepped back. The door opened quickly as if he knew you'd be coming, his face concerned which you rarely ever saw. He'd changed into sweats and a beat up tee while you'd been agonizing in your room.

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