Twenty Two

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"When we get there go immediately to our room, slam the door as hard as you can and lock it. If you can start crying before we get there, really messily. I'm going to scream after you, ignore anything I say. I'll find my father, don't open the door for anyone that isn't me. Do you understand?" Seungho's face was grave, his eyes troubled.

You were sitting in the backseat of a town car headed home. You'd managed to avoid his parents the remainder of the evening, and they'd left early taking Minjae and the limo without you. Deep down you knew this didn't mean you were off the hook, and Seungho was confirming that assumption with his instructions.

You'd fucked up, you'd made a terrible mistake publicly feuding with Jin over that stupid photograph. To most people it would have just looked like friendly competition, maybe even playful to help make more money for the charity, but to Chinhae it was defiance.

"I'm so sorry." His serious words made you cry, made you scared, your heart beating a panicked rhythm.

"Come here." His voice softened and he dragged you across the seat into his arms. "Shhh baby, shhhh, I'll think of something, I'll fix it." Seungho pressed his lips to your temple and you stayed there, trying to absorb all his comfort.

"Kiss me." You whispered it, needing more than just his arms around you. If you were distracted enough maybe you could find some courage.

Seungho tilted your chin upward with his fingers, his warm lips captured yours. Small needy sounds left your lips when he deepened the kiss, hands dragging up your back, his tongue tasting you. For the next several minutes his mouth on yours and his hands on your body stilled your heart.

"Aein, you have to start crying again, maybe I shouldn't have comforted you so well." Seungho frowned releasing you from his arms.

"What did Jin say to you?" You bit your lip, you didn't want to know, but you knew it would make you cry.

"He used to think you were only a slut for him, but it turned out you're just a slut period. He said several idols claimed that you warmed their beds behind his back. That I can't trust you." Your throat tightened and Seungho looked uncomfortable.

You shook your head, how had you ever looked at Kim Seokjin and thought he was sweet and loving. How could he just lie so easily? Seungho cupped your cheek as the first tear escaped. He sighed but finished resignedly.

"He said he used to feel guilty about all the ARMYs he fucked while he was gone but looks like neither of you were faithful." Your face burned, anger and sorrow spread through your chest like a wild fire, one that couldn't be contained.

By the time the car pulled up to the curb you were sobbing, imagining him with girls after his concerts. Wondering how many times he'd pretended to be exhausted and couldn't call you when really his bed was just occupied.

You tore from the car as soon as the driver opened your door, you didn't need any more inspiration to be upset. You launched yourself through the front door, barely waiting for it to open, distance growing between yourself and Seungho who'd chased after you.

"I'm not fucking done speaking to you Y/N!" You dodged his hand as he violently grabbed for you, it made your heart race.

You ran, making it to your bedroom, Seungho's shouts incoherent behind you. In your bedroom you grasped the edge of the solid wooden door and slammed it with as much strength as you could into its frame. The sound was deafening the metal lock engaging just as Seungho crashed into the other side.

"Open this door you stupid bitch!" His voice didn't even sound muffled he was yelling so loudly. You backed away your brain muddled, how real it all felt sending tendrils of fear through you.

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