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When Seungho's slap landed you realized it had made a loud noise but you'd barely felt the sting. The pounding in your chest slowed realizing he wasn't going to hurt you, but you twisted away as if he'd hit you full force.

"I'll deal with her, we can talk in the morning." He spoke to his father, you heard retreating steps and then he was dragging you up the stairs. One of his hands twisted into your hair but the other held you firmly, supporting your side even if his body language looked cruel.

When the door to your bedroom closed with a deafening crash his demeanor changed. With extremely gentle hands he guided you onto the bed dropping to his knees in front of you.

"Holy fuck sweetheart, let me see your head."

Seungho brushed your hair away, fingers gingerly touching the gash on your eyebrow. Satisfied it wasn't closer to your eye his delicate fingers traced the contusions down your face to your lip. Standing once more he disappeared to the bathroom coming back with damp towels.

"I don't think you need stitches but we should get you checked out anyway."

All at once you started shaking, gasping sobs wracking your body. No one had ever put their hands on you in this way, you'd been so afraid Chinhae was going to kill you.

"Baby, shhh, you're okay. You're alright. I'm so sorry I didn't come sooner." You grabbed for him, fingers clawing at the material of his shirt and he let you pull him onto the bed.

Seungho wrapped his arms around you and settled you with your face buried against his chest. You cried until you felt turned inside out. Through it all you heard his soft shushing, gentle words and soft hands rubbing your back and arms.

"I'm sorry I lied." You murmured the words miserably against his shirt, now covered in your blood and tears.

"No, don't apologize." Seungho smoothed his palm down your hair and you winced, the pain returning as your adrenaline dissipated.

"I was going to tell you everything when I got home but I didn't want to do it over the phone." He sat up gradually moving you to sit up as well.

"What my father did, there's no excuse no matter the situation. I wish I could say he's never done this before, but I have memories in my childhood of him hitting my mother. It's just been a very long time since I've seen it." He dabbed at the blood on your lip and you flinched.

"The person I thought was following me ended up being Jin. When I was picking up flowers for my mother he got into my car service, asked me to meet him tonight." Did Seungho deflate with those words?

"I shouldn't have downplayed your fear, I should have sent someone right away. I should have known my father was watching you carefully." You grabbed his hand, refusing to allow him to blame himself.

"Don't you apologize either, the people who did these things are to blame, not us."

Seungho stood again, taking the soiled towels and then returned a few minutes later with a glass of water and pain pills. You drank them down, the split in your lip burning against the cold.

"I didn't intend to go there for anything but to make him leave me alone." You swallowed hard and then told him everything that happened. You admitted to but were light on details going over Jin giving you oral sex.

"Do you think he's still tied up in the hotel room?" Seungho was typing on his burner phone.

"No, I'm sure he was able to get out once he calmed down. I only wanted him to be mad enough to not try to win my forgiveness again. He's not part of my plan anymore."

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