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Seungho led you down the street outside of the hotel, his hand gripping your elbow gently. When you'd suggested room service for breakfast he protested saying there was a very delicious restaurant a few minutes away. The sidewalk was already crowded with bodies and you pressed toward him to keep from being separated. You tried not to think of his strong arm pressed on yours.

Instead of taking you to get food he ushered you into a secluded cellular store around a corner off the main street, and up to the clerk. You looked at him with a raised brow, you weren't dumb you knew why he was there but you hadn't expected it.

"We need two prepaid phones, those will do." He pointed at a couple older model Samsung phones.

"Two?" You accepted one of the phones from the clerk looking at it.

"Mine is compromised now, Min Yoongi has the number." You frowned setting the phone down.

"Why would he be a threat?"

"From here on out if they aren't on the trusted list, consider they could be compromised. Something or someone got to Seokjin. Either his own cowardice or pressure from Big Hit or his group. That means those people are against you, the lengths they could go to keep what they want could be considerable." Seungho pulled cash from his wallet counting it.

"Yoongi isn't like that! He might be protective of Jin but he wouldn't hurt me." Your brain was spinning already and you knew practically nothing yet.

"Who said he would be the one to hurt you? His mouth is the danger, a casual comment to someone and then everything starts falling apart. We're going to need some prepaid cards," the clerk pulled down a stack and he nodded, "do you have any wireless earbuds?"

"Why would we need those?"

"Easiest place to hide a recording device or tracker. Your family really sheltered you huh?" The clerk sat two pairs on the counter and Seungho inspected them.

"Who's on the trusted list?" You watched as he handed the stack of counted won to the clerk.

It wasn't until you arrived at the actual tea house that he continued your conversation. It was a dimly lit establishment down two long alleys with no signage. A tiny middle aged woman greeted you both warmly and led you to a private room. A low table sat in the middle of the room with sitting pillows around it.

You'd ordered food and drinks and she'd left with a smile. Now you watched Seungho switching information from his old phone to the new. Your phone still sat in its bag next to you.

"The trusted list is really only two people. You and me. Everyone else is semi-trusted and that level of trust wax and wanes depending on the situation." He wasn't looking at you, but you could see the tension in his face.

"We can trust Dongbin." Seungho frowned and finally looked at you, a cautious but concerned look on his handsome features.

"We could trust Dongbin, but now we can't." His tone was so final you almost didn't question it. Almost.

"He helped me, he trusted you. What are you talking about? My brother loves me." The first waves of anger were starting, you didn't like what he was implying.

"I understand that, and for that I trusted him, but the situation has changed. Seokjin is gone, we're married, the contract with our families is bound and your family is about to get what they wanted. That means he could easily fall in line and be a risk. He did what he could for you, at this point his best course of action is to revert to protecting the family." Seungho spoke patiently and even though you knew he was right you didn't want to hear it.

"He won't give up so easily. Besides if you lost your trust for him, shouldn't you lose it for me as well? Couldn't I revive my loyalty to my family?" You set your jaw, certain of your brothers loyalty to you.

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