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Seungho sat your suitcase on the floor in the spacious bedroom of your suite. There was an awkward moment, where neither of you knew what to say, the exhaustion and reality of the day weighing on you both.

"You never thought you'd be married to me. I've been so worried about my own feelings I've not even asked you how you're feeling." You looked up at Seungho, your heels dangling from your fingers, he'd unbuttoned his shirt several buttons, his tie askew.

"I don't know, I've spent the last weeks hoping the plan would work, you'd be miles away and so would I." He picked at his sleeve, the button at his wrist falling open the cuff link into his palm, you couldn't remember where his blazer had ended up.

You waited him out, his eyes avoided yours, twisting the other sleeve open, then pushed the material up his forearms. Seungho had beautiful hands and wrists, and had you not been so mentally drained it might have been appealing; this husband you hadn't wanted, this marriage you'd hoped to avoid.

"I believe when we've both grieved our losses we will do great things together." He sighed and you felt the same resignation burn through your chest.

He stepped forward kissing the top of your head, hand brushing down your back. When he turned and grabbed his own suitcase you watched him quietly.

"Goodnight Yeobo," a wry smile at the nickname, "I'll take the couch, but for now I'm going down to the bar." Then the door shut with a soft click and you were alone.


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'Champagne by Lia Marie Johnson'







You looked down at your dress, gorgeous lengths of the expensive white material pooling around you. 'Pick your dress like you're walking down the aisle to me', his words rolled through you like a hateful stab. You dropped your heels to the carpeted floor stepping over them.

At what point had he realized he wasn't going to show up? Was it the day you'd told him you needed to go public? The day he'd accepted your grandmother's ring? Later? When your brother told him you'd been sequestered to your fiancés home? After that harried call in the bridal dressing room?

Kim Seokjin was a demon with a pretty face. A liar. 'I don't want this as much as you' were words you'd remember for a long time. Jin wanted success with BTS and fame. Jin wanted a long and prosperous career with music and acting. What he didn't want was anything that got in the way. As long as you'd fit into that box, quiet and snugly things were perfect. The second you'd outgrown the shadow of his dreams he'd thrown you away in the worst way.

On the dresser was a bouquet of roses, ice bucket of expensive champagne, a tray of fruit. Would you have had the same in some hotel in Ulsan, would it have mattered? No. You'd probably never have even noticed, his hands on your body, tugging the dress away, littering the floor with your clothes in the frenzy to unite as husband and wife.

Your stomach warmed then tilted with the thought of his fingers dancing down your back, taking cloth and buttons feverishly. His mouth on your skin, his eagerness to shove the long lengths up your thighs, the top wrenching toward your waist.

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