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"Slow Dancing in the Dark" by Joji







"Give me reasons we should be complete, you should be with him I can't compete"

"Shutting me out of you"







You woke with every nerve in your body screaming to your brain that you were in pain. The worst of it was your head, a faint ringing still soft tinnitus in your ears.

"Get up you need to take a bath." Your heart pounded to life, all grogginess dissipating with Seungho's command which you'd not expected.

"Why?" You pushed venom into your tone, if he was going to side with your family then why pretend anymore? Clearly he'd been groomed by his father to be a loyal son, selling you out the moment things got difficult.

"Because it's been two days and you smell like sweat." His voice was mocking, no sympathy for your situation or what he'd done to you. If anything he sounded rather pleased with himself.

Not wanting to be met with his fists or kicks again you pushed yourself upright. Your fingers pressed into the soft blanket and you realized you were on the bed, no longer the floor. How thoughtful of him to have looked out for your comfort, if moving your eyes hadn't felt like stabbing knives you might have rolled them.

You saw him then, long limbed and relaxed on the single chair by the door, one leg lazily crossed over the other. He raised a brow and shrugged, your face must have held dozens of questions. If you'd had the energy you might have asked him even one, but you had to save your strength for the real threat. Seungho might have gotten his hits in, but there were so many worse things your uncle could have planned for you.

You placed your feet on the floor, nausea making you feel faint and waited for it to subside. The rolling sensation of the vertigo held you in its drunken grasp for several seconds before you could orient yourself once more. Taking a deep breath you stood, everything inside you felt bruised and jarred but you found you could walk slowly, one foot in front of the other.

Seungho was beside you as you passed him, hand harsh at your shoulder, pushing you toward the draped off bathroom area. When you'd arrived and checked everything out you'd seen the claw-foot tub, toilet and tiny pedestal sink, but never imagined you'd be using the tub.

"I can bathe on my own, don't touch me." You pulled away from his touch when you reached the toilet, turning around to glare him.

"You can't be unsupervised," he was speaking too loudly, each word pounding into your skull like a hammer, "for all I know you'll drown yourself before Kyulee arrives."

He reached around you turning the knobs of the tub, his wrist testing the water temperature, and that seemed odd to you. A man that beat you senseless gave a fuck if the water was too hot or too cold? You turned your back on him, willing yourself to just pretend he wasn't even in the room, fingers delicately trying to peel your blouse away from your skin. He was right, you'd sweat through the material.

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