Twenty Nine

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"You," your finger stabbed Ji Hoon in the chest with force, "wait outside." They had both stopped talking and looked shocked when you slipped silently into the room.

"Yes ma'am." He tightened his jaw smoothing the crease in his black jacket where Jin had clearly grabbed it crumpling the stiff material during their exchange.

You glared at Jin until you were alone, dozens of questions swirling through your head. You opened your mouth twice to speak, your tongue dry as it brushed your teeth. You couldn't seem to push down your anger far enough to form words. Jin seemed like he knew better than to break the silence first.

"Why did you hire Ji Hoon?" The sound was brittle, syllables that fractured over each other.

"You made me leave you that day, on the road. You were all messed up and scared. I thought at the art auction I could convince to run away with me, I'd planned everything, but after speaking with Seungho I knew you wouldn't. After that didn't work I had to think of another way to protect you." He spoke too quickly, as if he was scared at any second you'd stop listening.

You felt cold everywhere, what did he mean he'd planned everything to run away together? What did he mean by after talking to your husband? You tried to replay what Seungho had said about their conversation in the car that night so long ago. All that came to mind was how Jin accused you of being unfaithful to Seungho like he had been to you. You felt confused, but you couldn't stay in here, any moment someone could come looking for either of you.

"You told him I was just one of your sluts, that you slept with lots of fans." You snarled the words at him and then for good measure shoved him backward a step, both hands on his chest. He made no motion to stop you, he didn't even seem surprised as he reclaimed his position.

"He said my interference was putting you in danger, so I said that to hurt you, to make you never want to speak to me again. I knew if you thought I cheated you'd never forgive me." Jin's face was hard to look at, pain and conflicted emotion crossing his gorgeous features.

"Why would I believe you now?"

"If you meant nothing to me why would I send you Ji Hoon? He's the most loyal and protective person I've ever met, I knew you'd always be safe with him. Haven't you been?" Jin reached out and brushed his knuckles across your cheek, eyes imploring.

"Don't touch me," you slapped his fingers away heatedly, "I'm married and I love my husband, it's none of your business if we have a whole Army of babies." With that you turned and left the room, finding Ji Hoon standing guard, the hallway empty.

"Take me home." He looked at you like he was incredulously shocked you hadn't said 'you're fired' and motioned you ahead of him.


"Stop with the yes ma'am crap." You hugged your arms around your waist and stepped through the front door as he opened it for you.

The cool breeze was easier to breathe into your lungs than the air in the small coat room with Jin. You refused to let yourself believe anything he said, and now everything with Ji Hoon was called into question too.

You opened your car door yourself, Ji Hoon settling into the driver's seat, not bothering to extend the courtesy probably concerned you'd snap at him for politeness again. You didn't speak until you were at least a third of the way home. You'd managed to text Seungho you weren't feeling well and had left. He hadn't responded likely caught up with Chinhae's drunken rantings.

"You work for him?" You couldn't hide the hurt in your tone, the fear of all the trust you'd put in him collapsing.

"No, I work for you, he pays me. I told you that in the beginning. There's no one I'll put above you." You caught his eye in the rear view mirror, there was real emotion there, and your heart clenched. He was your best friend, this was a betrayal you felt deeply.

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