Fourteen ꕥ

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(TW: This chapter contains domestic violence)

"Jin, we have to stop, I'm married now." Your brain finally pushed the truth through hard enough that you could pull away.

Jin propped himself over you on his arms and looked down at you. His eyes held concern for a moment and then something less friendly, something angry. You reached up tracing the line of his bicep and frowned, you really needed to get control, stick to the plan.

"I don't care who you're married to, you belong to me." His mouth found the curve of your neck, a biting kiss that lit the flame in your stomach hotly.

"Say you're not mine and I'll stop." You groaned as his hands tugged your pants downward, he'd not even bothered with the buttons.

Your fingers wrenched them open before you heard a ripping sound. When Jin dropped them off the bed, you heard the thunk of your cell phone still hidden in the inner pocket. He didn't seem to notice, his mouth was lower now, tongue tracing below the band of your bra, then moving to kiss down your ribs, lower against the elastic strap of your panties.

"Say you're his darling, I'm waiting." Teeth dragged the strap down your hip his eyes lifting to yours. All thoughts dissipated when one of his fingers brushed down the front of your panties.

"That's what I thought." No more playfulness he tore your panties down your legs while you shed your bra.

You opened your mouth to tell him to slow down, to let you think but he was between your legs. One of his broad shoulders pushing beneath your thigh, his hand pressing down on your lower belly. Your head fell back when his tongue lapped along your wetness, spreading your inner lips open. Your hands dragged into his hair, pulling him against your body.

"Already wet for me, did you miss my mouth on your pussy?" You groaned his tongue swirled upward to taste your clit but then teased back down denying you the pleasure.

"I missed everything Jin." Despite the way your body hummed, energy crackling at his licking tongue, the emotion still choked you.

His mouth was hot and insistent, lips and tongue finding their way back to your clit. You gasped as he stroked his tongue around it, sucking against it. It had been so long since you'd found release. His mouth was familiar but exciting, exploring a bit before focusing all that energy onto your throbbing clit. Before you could contain yourself his licking and sucking pulled you over the edge, your hips lifting off the bed to rub against his mouth. Your orgasm was fierce clenching all your muscles and then rippling through your core like a wave.

When you calmed he kissed your inner thigh, tongue sucking a red mark against the soft skin and you moaned again. Your climax cleared your brain and you sat up dragging him toward you, hands cupping his face.

"Let me please you now, I've missed that the most. Get naked Jagi." Jin grinned at your offer and you pushed him to sit back against the headboard. He was pulling his shirt over his head when you slipped from the bed going to your purse.

"Where are you going?" His voice held humor watching you cross the room naked.

"I want to be in charge." You pulled two badge necklaces from your purse and unclipped the plastic cards that you used to enter your building and smirked.

"What is that darling?" Jin leaned back, you licked your bottom lip watching him stroke his long hard cock while he waited for you.

You crawled back onto the bed and looped one necklace around his free wrist and then knotted it around the lamp attached to the headboard. When you went to grab the other he pulled his hand away glaring at you.

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